PCDE Course Module 24 Content


In this module, you will learn about three different tools that can be used to handle big data: Mosquitto, ThingsBoard, and Kafka.

In the first section, you will learn how to use Mosquitto and the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol to handle large volumes of data. First, you will be introduced to Mosquitto and learn how the MQTT broker processes data so that it can be streamed to clients. Next, you will learn how to set up a Mosquitto Docker container and how to publish and subscribe to messages using Mosquitto. To synthesize what you have learned, you will then discuss data engineering use cases for Mosquitto.

In the next section, you will learn how to use ThingsBoard to stream big data. To get started, you will learn how to create a project in Firebase and how to configure ThingsBoard in a Docker container. Then, you will learn about how ThingsBoard works in detail, including how to set up an environment, how to create a Root Rule Chain, and how to set up a widget. Then, you will practice pumping data from ThingsBoard to Firebase. Finally, you will discuss professional use cases for ThingsBoard.

In the last section of this module, you will learn how to use Kafka to handle large amounts of live streaming data. First, you will be introduced to Kafka and learn how to install it in a Docker container. Next, you will install Node.js and use it to construct a web server. You will learn how to use the code blocks needed to define a producer and a consumer, how to construct a web server using Kafka, and how to use that web server to stream live data through a Kafka broker. Then, you will discuss use cases for Kafka in the data engineering community.

Module 24 Project Overview

In this module, you will also be working on three final projects that you can add to your portfolio.

Here is an overview of the goals and expectations for this module’s projects:

Projects 24.1 and 24.2 are a ThingsBoard project that is divided into two parts.

In Project 24.1: Project 1: Part 1, you will set up your Mosquitto, ThingsBoard, and Firebase environments. To complete this project, you will begin by setting up your MQTT protocol to produce temperature and humidity data. Next, you will ensure that the data produced by the MQTT protocol is published correctly to ThingsBoard. Finally, you will create a new project and a Realtime database in Firebase and send the temperature and humidity data to it.

The anticipated time to complete this project is approximately 2.5 hours.

In Project 24.2: Project 1: Part 2, you will set up an alarm rule chain to send information about live streaming data that is above a certain threshold to Firebase. To complete this project, you will begin by setting up the alarm rule chain. Next, you will connect the alarm rule chain to your Realtime database in Firebase. Finally, you will connect the Root Rule Chain to the alarm rule chain and verify that the data is being correctly sent to Firebase.

The anticipated time to complete this project is approximately 2 hours.

In Project 24.3: Project 2, you will be working with Kafka, one of the most successful applications for handling the streaming of big data at scale. You will use a Docker image created by Confluent that installs all of the necessary Kafka components including, among others, the broker and ZooKeeper. You will begin with a simple Kafka implementation that you will use to create a Python application that publishes vehicle location longitude-latitude data to a Kafka topic. Next, you will use Node.js to start a web server that acts as a consumer for the messages received from the Kafka application.

The anticipated time to complete this project is approximately 2 hours.

Although the time to complete each project may vary, be sure to set aside enough time to complete the three final projects for submission.

To review the project details, please see the full descriptions of each project at the links below:

Knowledge Check 24.1: Mosquito

Discussion 24.1: Use Cases for Mosquitto

Discussion 24.1: Introduction

You have learned about the challenges of processing IoT data and how Mosquitto can help in processing the vast amounts of data produced by IoT devices. Some use cases for Mosquitto include the following:

Discussion 24.1: Instructions

For this discussion, research other use cases for Mosquitto or dive deeper into the applications above. In your discussion post, respond to the following prompts:

Discussion 24.1: Submission

Identify IoT Devices that Could Publish to an MQTT Broker

The application I chose is the IBM home energy monitoring one. In this case one sensor above all else are important: current and voltage sensors. But others that could be used as well to help in automating an increasingly complex home energy management systems are light sensors to detect expected amount of photons that will hit the home. Also, battery management systems will typically have a way of reporting current charge.

Identify the Application that Could Subscribe to the Data Published

In this application IBM reports that:

The remote connection could be set up by an individual, by a power utility, or by a central control point. The remote control point can read power usage and provide usage data. It can provide data to influence usage such as continuous pricing and weather information. It can limit load to improve overall power generation efficiency.

So in short, in concert with all the IoT sensors, IoT actuators like electrical relays can be used to shut down certain circuits. This would allow intelligent automation of home energy consumers to times where electricity is cheap, typically late evening to dawn.

It also allows for analysis of consumption patterns and in the case of home solar energy, detect light radiation and compare it with the current and voltage reported by the solar panels' sensors and detect any faults due to a mismatch in actual power generation and expected generation for the current light levels.

As for batteries. It is becoming increasingly common to have residential battery systems, including electrical vehicles whose batteries are connected bidirectionally to people's homes. This opens opportunities to store electrical energy when there's excess production or when electricity is cheap. Then discharge the battery into the home electrical system when energy prices are high. This requires a good deal of automation that only improves with a sensor and actuator network optimized around home energy use.

Why is a Publish/Subscribe Model More Appropriate than an HTTP?

HTTP by design is a request/response model. This means a client only receives a response after requesting one. This is problematic for IoT devices for several reasons. Home sensor connections need to have margins of intermittency in their connection. They also may need a protocol more geared to low power consumption.

How Does MQTT Protocol Facilitate the Process of Handling IoT Devices?

MQTT solves both problems, being able to queue intermittently connected publishers with subscribers looking for this data when it's possible to be transmitted. MQTT also enables connecting using lower power wireless communication protocols. Zigbee is a very popular example of this that is well suited to sending data via MQTT.

Explain Why MQTT is a Good Choice for the Application You Selected

MQTT is a good choice for home energy monitoring and automation. Homes can be have intermittent internet connections. Sensors in homes need to sometimes have low power consumption and transmit to a broker with many rooms to penetrate a wireless signal. Power companies piping into these automations are going to deal with a veritable flood of intermittent data where each MQTT broker can "act as a network concentrator" (IBM 2022).

Knowledge Check 24.2: ThingsBoard

Discussion 24.2: Use Cases for ThingsBoard

Discussion 24.2: Introduction

ThingsBoard is a robust platform that interacts with IoT devices and the data that they produce. ThingsBoard is device-based, meaning that it’s able to analyze telemetry data derived from devices, applications, or sensors. Therefore, ThingsBoard can be used in many applications, ranging from industry applications to environment monitoring or smart working. These use cases are described in greater detail below:

Discussion 24.2: Instructions

For this discussion, research other use cases of ThingsBoard or dive deeper into the applications listed above. In your discussion post, respond to the following prompts:

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

Discussion 24.2: Submission

I chose the smart working environment use case.

Explain why THingsBoard would be a good choice

Thingsboard is great for smart work environments because it can broker streaming data from many IoT devices at irregular intervals and apply complex logic to them both in code but also in more user friendly UIs. This enables management of this logic and data by people who don't necessarily know how to code while still providing complex functionality.

Determine if any alarms should be used

Security comes to mind first. There could be a time of the day or night in this case where any sensors detecting motion within a work environment past allowed work hours is interpreted as a break in. This could be an alarm that notifies the right people at that workplace of a potential security concern. But also simpler tasks like thermostat functionality could come with an alarm that notifies an office manager that something might be wrong with it if temperatures are increasing despite the AC system being set to cool to a temperature.

What Widgets

One of the big operational costs of a workplace are electricity bills. There could be various widgets for sensors that report hourly, daily, monthly, etc. electricity consumption for different parts of the workplace. Those widgets could then be used to determine how to best lower those costs.

Discussion 24.3: Use Cases for Kafka

Discussion 24.3: Introduction

Kafka is used to create live streaming data pipelines and applications. As you continue to learn about data streaming platforms, you will build on your understanding of how Kafka is useful for maintaining a steady messaging queue of data when the volume of data is massive.

This discussion will help you determine whether or not Kafka would be useful for a particular project scenario. Some project scenarios in which Kafka can be useful are:

Discussion 24.3: Project Scenarios

Discussion 24.3: Instructions

The key questions to consider when assessing whether or not to use Kafka for a specific project are:

For your discussion post, choose any two project scenarios from the list above or research your own use case examples. Explain a case in which you would use Kafka and a case in which this tool might not be the best choice. Be sure to address the two questions above in both scenarios that you analyze.

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

Discussion 24.3: Submission

Kafka seemingly is capable of Gigabyte per seconds and up of data transfers. It's hard to know just how much it is capable of because it would take so many nodes to test where parallelism is limited. It is however a complex way to implement MQTT based pipelines, so it's important to determine if it's overkill for the application. The two use cases I chose are that of collecting and distributing web metrics and analyzing website visitation.

Kafka in Web App Metrics Cases

The lightweight MQTT protocol and the intermittent nature of web applications and their collection of various usage metrics, makes Kafka great at collecting extremely numerous streams of usage metrics. Seemingly, even some of the most popular sites on the internet like YouTube or Facebook might not overload a large enough Kafka cluster when collecting user interface metrics. However, if it's a web app with less traffic, this could easily be overkill. User metrics during a web app is likely no more than a few hundred bytes of data per second in intermittent bursts and a single Mosquitto message queue and through personal testing Mosquitto is at least capable of hundreds of megabytes a second, meaning about a million simultaneous users should be possible.

Kafka in Website Visitation Analysis

Kafka is great for analyzing website visitation because of its scalability and the lightweight protocol of MQTT. It's easy to imagine a Kafka cluster that can handle the data of many millions of site visit counters embedded in CDN servers or javascript scripts counting visits. It's very similar to collecting metrics to web applications and very likely if you're collecting web app metrics you're also collecting visit metrics as well. Since it's much simpler data to transmit, even with trackers embedded, it's unlikely unless you're in the top 500 of visited sites that you need something like Kafka for visit metrics by itself.


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