PCDE Project 24.2: Analyzing Live Streaming Data Using ThingsBoard


In the second part of this project, you will set up an alarm rule chain to send information about data that is above a certain threshold to Firebase. The data you will be using is live streaming from the MQTT protocol that you set up in Project 24.1: Project 1 Part 1. You will begin by setting up the alarm rule chain. Next, you will connect the alarm rule chain to your Realtime database in Firebase. Finally, you will connect the Root Rule Chain to the alarm rule chain and verify that the data is being correctly sent to Firebase.

This project will build on what you did in Project 24.1. Therefore, complete all of the steps of Project 24.1 before attempting Project 24.2.


Step 1

Navigate to Firebase. In the module24Project Realtime database, create a new field titled alarms and initialize the corresponding field to zero.

Provide a screenshot to show that you created the alarm field inside your Realtime database and initialized it to zero.

Step 2

Navigate to the ThingsBoard home page. Create a new rule chain titled CreateAndClearAlarms by following the steps shown in Mini-Lesson 24.5.

Provide a screenshot to show that you created the CreateAndClearAlarms rule chain with all of the necessary components.

Step 3

Create another rule chain and name it TempToFirebase.

Provide a screenshot to show that you created the TempToFirebase rule chain with all of the necessary components.

Step 4

Open the TempToFirebase rule chain. Add a rest API call node and name it TempToFirebase. Replace the default link with the following link:


Select Add to add the TempToFirebase node to your Rule Engine. Connect the Input and TempToFirebase nodes.

Provide two screenshots. The first screenshot should show that you added the TempToFirebase node to your Rule Engine correctly. The second screenshot should show that you connected the Input and TempToFirebase nodes.

Step 5

Create another rule chain and name it AlarmToFirebase.

Provide a screenshot to show that you created the AlarmToFirebase rule chain with all of the necessary components.

Step 6

Open the AlarmToFirebase rule chain. Add a rest API call node and name it AlarmToFirebase. Replace the default link with the following link:


Select Add to add the AlarmToFirebase node to your Rule Engine. Connect the Input and AlarmToFirebase nodes.

Provide two screenshots. The first screenshot should show that you added the AlarmToFirebase node to your Rule Engine correctly. The second screenshot should show that you connected the Input and AlarmToFirebase nodes.

Step 7

Open the CreateAndClearAlarms rule chain that you created in Step 2. Add a rule chain node. Title this node AlarmToFirebase and select AlarmToFirebase as the rule chain. Select Add to add the AlarmToFirebase node to your Rule Engine.

Provide a screenshot to show that you added the AlarmToFirebase node to your Rule Engine correctly.

Step 8

Connect the CreateAlarm and AlarmToFirebase nodes. Add Created as the link label.

Provide a screenshot to show that you connected the CreateAlarm and AlarmToFirebase nodes with a Created link label.

Step 9

Add another rule chain node to the CreateAndClearAlarms rule chain. Title this node TempToFirebase and select TempToFirebase as the rule chain. Select Add to add the TempToFirebase node to your Rule Engine.

Provide a screenshot to show that you added the TempToFirebase node to your Rule Engine correctly.

Step 10

Connect the MaxTemp and TempToFirebase nodes. Add True as the link label.

Provide a screenshot to show that you connected the MaxTemp and AlarmToFirebase nodes with a True link label.

Step 11

Open the Root Rule Chain in ThingsBoard. Add a rule chain node. Name it CreateAndClearAlarm and select CreateAndClearAlarm as the rule chain. Select Add to add the CreateAndClearAlarm node to your Rule Engine.

Provide a screenshot to show that you added the CreateAndClearAlarm node to your Rule Engine correctly.

Step 12

Connect the SaveTimeseries and CreateAndClearAlarm nodes. Add Success as the link label.

Provide a screenshot to show that you connected the SaveTimeseries and CreateAndClearAlarm nodes with a Success link label.

Step 13

Navigate to Firebase and open the alarm and temperature fields.

Provide two screenshots. The first screenshot should show that the alarm field is being populated with the live streaming data from the CreateAndClearAlarm rule chain. The second screenshot should show that the temperature field is being populated with temperature and humidity data.


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