PCDE Project 24.3


In this project, you will be working with Kafka, one of the most successful applications for handling streaming data at scale. You will use a Docker image created by Confluent that installs all of the necessary Kafka components including, among others, the broker and ZooKeeper. Kafka allows you to store messages in topics, which are distributed across multiple brokers by splitting topics into data partitions that save you from unfortunate broker failures.

To get started with this project, you will begin with a simple Kafka implementation. With this implementation, you will create a Python application that publishes vehicle location longitude-latitude data to a Kafka topic. Next, you will use Node.js to start a web server that acts as a consumer for the messages received from the Kafka application.


Step 1

Download and extract the Project23_4Kafka folder. It will be in the PCDE archive.

Step 2

Open your Docker Desktop. Select the gear icon on the top right of the Docker Desktop window, then select Resources. Ensure that your CPU and memory are both set to a minimum of 6 GB.

Provide a screenshot to show that you correctly configured your Docker Desktop and set your CPU and memory to a minimum of 6 GB.

Step 3

Next, you will create the Kafka Docker container components. Navigate to the kafka-docker folder inside the Project24_3_Kafka folder. In a Terminal window, run the following command to initialize your Kafka container:

docker-compose up

Open the Docker Desktop and confirm that all of the required Kafka container components are now up and running. The nine required container components are: zookeeper, broker, schema-registry, rest-proxy, connect, ksqlbd-server, ksql-datagen, ksqlbd-cli, and control-center.

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully executed the docker-compose command and created all of the required nine Kafka container components: zookeeper, broker, schema-registry, rest-proxy, connect, ksqlbd-server, ksql-datagen, ksqlbd-cli, and control-center.

Step 4

Open your browser and navigate to the following URL: http://localhost:9021. This is the Confluent Control Center, and it will allow you to check the status of the Kafka cluster that you spun up.

Provide a screenshot of the Confluent Control Center web interface to show that the cluster status is healthy.

Step 5

Navigate to the Topics list on the Confluent Control Center by selecting “Topics” in the controlcenter.cluster in the Confluent Control Center.

Provide a screenshot to show the existing default topics in the Confluent Control Center.

Step 6

Next, you will be writing Python code to simulate an IoT device that publishes the longitude and latitude coordinates of vehicles’ locations to Kafka. From http://localhost:9021, select Topics and then select “Add a topic”. Title the new topic vehicle-coordinates, set the number of partitions to 1, and select “Create with default settings”.

Provide a screenshot to show that you have successfully added the vehicle-coordinates topic with the correct settings.

Step 7

From the command prompt, run the following command to install the Kafka Python client:

pip install kafka-python

Provide a screenshot to show that you have successfully run the pip install kafka-python command.

Step 8

In VS Code, open the PublishVehicleCoordinates.py file inside the pythonProducer folder. Paste the code below into the file to create the template to define the producer:

import kafka
import time
import random
import json
from time import sleep
#define producer and consumer variable
sensor_data = {'longitude': 0, 'latitude': 0}
topic_name = ????
client = kafka.KafkaClient(bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'])
producer = kafka.KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'],
value_serializer=lambda x:
consumer = kafka.KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'])

def acked(err, msg):
if err is not None:
print("Failed to deliver message: {0}: {1}"
.format(msg.value(), err.str()))
print("Message produced: {0}".format(msg.value()))


if topic_name in consumer.topics():
print(topic_name+" exist")


while True:
longitude = ????
latitude = ????

print(f"longitude: {longitude} latitude: {latitude}")
sensor_data['longitude'] = ????
sensor_data['latitude'] = ????
producer.send(topic_name, value=????)

except KeyboardInterrupt:

Provide a screenshot to show that you have successfully opened the PublishVehicleCoordinates.py file to create the template to define the producer.

Step 9

Modify the code in the PublishVehicleCoordinates.py file as instructed below:

Provide a screenshot to show that you have correctly modified the code in the PublishVehicleCoordinates.py file.

Step 10

From the Terminal window, run the code in the PublishVehicleCoordinates.py file to produce the longitude and latitude data.

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully ran the Python code from the command prompt and that the longitude and the latitude data is being produced.

Step 11

Install Node.js as shown in Mini-Lesson 24.6. From the command prompt, run the command below to verify that Node.js is installed:

node --version

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully ran the command to return the Node.js version number.

Step 12

Now you will write a Node.js web page to consume the location data produced by the PublishVehicleCoordinates.py code. Move the PublishVehicleCoordinates.py file inside the NodeJSConsumer folder. Modify the server.js file inside the NodeJSConsumer folder as follows:

Provide a screenshot to show that you changed the server.js file to consume the vehicle-coordinates topic and changed the button value to display the Consume Vehicle Coordinates value.

Step 13

In a Terminal window, run the following command to install the Kafka JavaScript library. This will be used to consume Kafka messages in your Node.js web application.

npm install node-rdkafka

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully installed the node-rdkafka library.

Step 14

In a Terminal window, navigate to the Project24_3 folder. Start the web page by running the following command:

node server.js

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully ran the node server.js command and displayed the web page.

Step 15

Navigate to http://localhost:5000. Your web page should be titled “Confluence Kafka REST” and have a button labeled “Consume Vehicle Coordinates”.

Provide a screenshot to show that the web page loaded correctly with a title of “Confluence Kafka REST” and a button labeled “Consume Vehicle Coordinates”.

Step 16

Select the “Consume Vehicle Coordinates” button to verify that your data is being consumed and that there are no errors.

Provide a screenshot of the console to show the data being consumed without errors.

Congratulations on completing the project. You have created a producer/consumer pair for handling IoT data. Kafka can handle large volumes of data that could potentially be generated in an environment like this. It is also fault tolerant. That is, it would continue to operate properly in the event of the failure of one or more of its components.


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