Statistics in Python


Python is one of the main ways that data engineers & data scientists today analyze data using statistical methods. This will go over some of the python specific details in how we analyze statistics on a dataset.

Note: A lot of these topics should be covered more substantively in a statistics or probability note.


the below list is the agenda for module 7 in the PCDE course

Sample Variance vs. Population Variance

The problem we're usually trying to solve is that there's a population out there and we can't sample all of them. But we still need to try to infer the statistics that apply to the whole population.

flowchart TD
direction LR
A[Population fa:fa-people-group]
A --> |Sampling fa:fa-magnifying-glass| B[Sample fa:fa-person]
A --> |Inference fa:fa-thought-bubble| B

So let's take a look at an example. We might be talking about the blood pressure of a population, let's say an entire country like Sweden. It will become clear that as we take different samples from different parts of the country, we'll see that depending on the sample, different means will appear.

That's normal. We can only expect for variances to occur in different sample means taken from different parts of the population.

Estimating Population Statistics from a Sample

Take this series of numbers:

graph TD
A[5, 4, 4, 9, 9, 8, 2, 0, 3, 6]
A --> B[Mean = 5, Variance = 8.2]

These were generated from using a uniform random distribution. It turns out that:

You can see visually, roughly the variance. There's numbers like 0 & 9, so there's 10 values with the middle linearly being 5.

Variance σ2 is computed as


Where the μ (mu or mean) above is computed using


Let's work through this example to verify the calculation.


Then let's shift the sample mean x so it matches the population mean X.

Shifted x,X=xμx

This places the 0 of the x-axis around the mean, normalizing it. This is part of calculating variance & the standard deviation.

Let's take a random sample of five within that population:

[5, 4, 9, 8, 6]

This produces a mean of 6.4 & variance of 3.4. That's quite different from the mean of 5 and variance of 8.2 that the population had. This clear when examining the numbers, the minimum is 4, the maximum is 9, it's clear that the variance is going to be lower and the mean is going to be higher.



Now the variance converges quite well, what's up with that? Let's see what happens in python, with a little notebook analysis.

import numpy as np

p = np.array([5, 4, 4, 9, 9, 8, 2, 0, 3, 6])
pmean = p.mean()
pvar = np.var(p)
s = np.array([5, 4, 9, 8, 2])
smean = s.mean()
svar = np.var(s, ddof=0)
pmean, smean, pvar, svar
# Results: (5.0, 5.6, 8.2, 6.64)

We calculate the mean pmean, and variance pvar. Then we take the small random sample s. Then we get the sample mean & variance: svar & smean using np.var & np.mean. Now let's try again by dividing by N - 1 instead.

import numpy as np

p = np.array([5, 4, 4, 9, 9, 8, 2, 0, 3, 6])
pmean = p.mean()
pvar = np.var(p)
s = np.array([5, 4, 9, 8, 2])
smean = s.mean()
svar = np.var(s, ddof=1)
pmean, smean, pvar, svar
# Results: (5.0, 5.6, 8.2, 8.3)

Notice how when the ddof or the delta degrees of freedom changes from 0 to 1, The variance suddenly changes from 6.64 to 8.3.

Sources of Bias

Statisticians realized this disparity and formalized it as Bessel's correction. To read a bit more about it, here's Wikipedia's Article about Bessel's Correction. Essentially when taking a sample from a population, the variance can differ from the population variance immensely. Let's look at the extreme case. Here's a population.



Sample: (0,2)

μx=1, σ2(uncorrected)=(x1x¯)2+(x2x¯)2N =(1+1)2=1

μx=1, σ2(corrected)=(x1x¯)2+(x2x¯)2n1 =(1+1)1=2

Because of the smaller possibilities presented by a sample, getting the variance of the sample is biased towards smaller numbers than what is expected for any given sample. When samples are larger and closer to the population size, these unbiased correctors are less necessary.

The unbiased corrector could however be any number known as a degree of freedom. In coding languages this is often referred to as the ddof, or designated degree of freedom. The usual variance calculation where the denominator is N, has a degree of freedom of 0. The typical unbiased corrector we use in Bessel's Correction is 1, but it could be any cardinal number to correct for particularly small samples.


There are three caveats to Bessel's Correction:

  1. It does not yield an unbiased estimator of standard deviation
  2. The corrected estimator usually has higher mean squared error
    • Higher than typical uncorrected mean estimators
  3. It is only necessary when the population mean is unknown
    • Corrected estimators are only necessary when population mean unknown
    • Because different scaling factors can be chosen to minimize MSE

Using Python to Demonstrate Variance Bias

Here we'll demonstrate this effect using python, numpy, scipy & matplotlib.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm

Npts = 200
diffMean = []
diffVariance = []
bestMean = []
bestVar = []
p = np.random.uniform(0, 100, Npts)
pmean = p.mean()
pvar = np.var(p)
N = 100

for i in range(N):
sample = np.random.choice(p, 50)# choose sample from pop.
smean - sample.mean() # sample mean
svar = np.var(sample, ddof=0) # sample variance
# ddof 0 or 1 means div by N or N-1

diffMean.append(pmean-smean) # mean diff sample & pop.
bestMean.append(np.sum(diffMean) / len(diffMean))# accumulate & avg.
diffVariance.append(pvar-svar) # var diff between sample & pop.
bestVar.append(np.sum(diffVariance) / len(diffVariance))# acc. & avg

# plot results
plt.scatter(range(N), bestMean, color='b', label='Mean Error')
plt.scatter(range(N), bestVar, color='g', label='Variance Error')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
print(pmean, pvar)

A random uniform population, p, is created from 0 to 100 of Npts = 100 points. A population mean & variance is calculated, pmean & pvar, respectively. Then 100 different random samples of that population are taken by looping. Each sample has their sample mean & variance calculated smean, svar, with a degree of freedom or ddof of 0.

As more samples are having their mean & variance calculated, diffMean is a list that gets appended with the differences between population mean & sample mean. This is effectively the error between sample mean & population mean. Then the bestMean is a running average of the population & sample means' difference. The same is then done for the difference & average difference between population variance & sample variance. And finally matplotlib or plt is used to plot the average error over time.


Notice that sample mean error is quite steady, even at the first few samples taken. Also, the difference between population variance & sample variance changes significantly as more random samples are evaluated, but it does eventually converge around 20. Now, change the ddof=0 to ddof=1 and see what happens.


With Bessel's Correction and a degree of freedom of 1, suddenly the error converges faster, and actually gets close to 0.


Plotting Mean & Variance in Python

Here we'll take a look at another case of sample mean & variance caveats. Say we have a population of (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2). We also have a sample from the population of (0, 1, 2).


σ2=N(xμ)2N =(22+12+02+12+22)5=105=2

Remember, this is the population mean and variance, no biased correctors are necessary. Then we take the sample mean & variance.


σx2=N(xμx)2N1 =((01)+(11)+(21))31 =(1+0+1)2=1

Things to note:

Here is some code that calculates & plots variance from any given mean. We will try and show how variance is affected by the mean. NumPy automatically calculates the mean from the given sample. Because of this we need to create our own function to compute variance, from a given mean (irrespective of what the real mean is) and a bias degree of freedom.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

population = np.array([5, 4, 4, 9, 9, 8, 2, 0, 3, 6])
sample = np.array([5, 4, 4, 8, 6])

def variance(sample, mean, bias):
s2 = 0
for i in range(0, len(sample)):
x = sample[i] - mean
s2 = s2 + (x * x)
var = s2 / (len(sample) - bias)
return var

N = 10

var_pop = []
var_sample = []

for mean in range(0, N):
var_pop.append(variance(population, mean, 0))

for mean in range(0, N):
var_sample.append(variance(sample, mean, 0))

plt.scatter(range(N), var_pop, color='b', label='Population')
plt.scatter(range(N), var_sample, color='r', label='Sample')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

The var_pop & var_sample take the sample & population respectively and computes the variance from a given mean increasing from 0 to 9. Notice how not only the variance changes with the mean in a quadratic manner, but how in the sample variance (y-axis) it is always underestimated from the population variance.


What we've uncovered here is an interesting fact about the relationship between population variance & sample variance. The sample variance is always underestimated from the population variance.

Now let's see how the sample performs when you unbias the sample variance with the Bessel correction of 1. Just change the line: var_sample.append(variance(sample, mean, 1)). then re-run the code above to see what happens.


This uncovers the other interesting fact about sample variance in code.

Sample variance when using Bessel's un-biasing corrector will be much closer to the population variance than without.

For exploring the notebook yourself, my gist on population vs sample variance as function of mean.

Exercise: Normal Distribution from Sample


Given a blood pressure sample of [76, 64, 62, 81, 70, 72, 81, 63, 67, 77], Use python with NumPy to calculate its sample mean, sample variation, and standard deviation. Remember, because this is a sample, there's certainly more people in the world with blood pressure than this, we need to compute the sample not population versions of these statistics. We also know that very likely that the underlying population that's the superset of this sample, is a normally distributed population.

Using what we know about the normal distribution, find out answers to these questions:

Setting Up Python Analysis

First, let's get the basic statistics of the sample.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
np.random.seed(1337) # Fix the seed for consistent 'random' results

# Sample of people's blood pressures
sample = np.array([76, 64, 62, 81, 70, 72, 81, 63, 67, 77])

# Construct the dataframe from blood pressure sample
df = pd.DataFrame({'blood pressure': sample})

# Compute sample mean, variance, std dev.
mean_s = df['blood pressure'].mean()
var_s = np.var(df['blood pressure'], ddof=1)
std_s = np.sqrt(var_s)

mean_s, var_s, std_s

This will create the numpy array containing the blood pressure sample. Then we also construct the basic version of the dataframe df, that will contain one column of those sample values.

Then using that dataframe, we can calculate the mean, variation, and standard deviation. Remember, we must use the unbiased variation to compute these. That means that we take the np.var(sample, ddof=1), and compute the standard deviation by taking its square root.

Blood Pressure Sample Results

It turns out from the previous code that we have a sample mean of 71.3, sample variation of 52.5, and sample standard deviation of 7.24.

...or more neatly...




Analyzing Blood Pressure Sample Deviation

Now, create a dataframe of the sample items. Then a column that first checks deviation from mean for each item in the sample. Then a column for the square deviation from the mean. Finally, check to see which rows are within one standard deviation of the mean, where the result is a boolean true or false.

# Add columns comparing each sample measurement deviation to mean
df['deviation from mean'] = df['blood pressure'] - mean_s
df['square deviation'] = np.power(df['deviation from mean'], 2)
df['within std'] = (np.abs(df['deviation from mean']) <= std_s).astype(bool)

Above we did the work to construct the table using a dataframe below. Then a column for that measurement's deviation from the sample mean. Then the square of that deviation. Finally, we did a boolean condition to see if the standard deviation is larger than the deviation.

blood pressure deviation from mean square deviation within std
0 76 4.7 22.09 True
1 64 -7.3 53.29 False
2 62 -9.3 86.49 False
3 81 9.7 94.09 False
4 70 -1.3 1.69 True
5 72 0.7 0.49 True
6 81 9.7 94.09 False
7 63 -8.3 68.89 False
8 67 -4.3 18.49 True
9 77 5.7 32.49 True

How many Measurements Are within Standard Deviation?

Looking at the final column, 5 measurements in this sample are within one standard deviation of the mean.

Graphing the Result

Let's plot the result using matplotlib. We'll use the axvline function to define vertical lines. One red one for the mean location. Two green lines for the single standard deviation from mean.

plt.hist(df['blood pressure'], bins=6, edgecolor='black')
plt.axvline(mean_s, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
plt.axvline(mean_s + std_s, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
plt.axvline(mean_s - std_s, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
plt.title('Sample of Normal Distribution')

Which gives us a table with disappointing results...

blood pressure sample deviation

We don't see much of a normal distribution shape here do we...?

Creating a Normally Distributed Random Sample

Let's compare to a programmatically created random sample of a random normal distribution population. Use NumPy's random.normal module.

mean_n = 0
std_n = 1
size_n = 1000

normal_rand = np.random.normal(mean_n, std_n, size_n)
sample_n = np.random.choice(normal_rand, 100)
mean_sn = sample_n.mean()
var_sn = np.var(sample_n, ddof=1)
std_sn = np.sqrt(var_sn)
print("Normal Distribution Sample Statistics")
print(f"mean_s: {mean_sn}, var_s: {var_sn}, std_s: {std_sn}")

within_sn_std = np.abs(sample_n - mean_sn) <= std_sn
percent_sn_std = 100 * len([x for x in within_sn_std if x]) / len(sample_n)
print(f"Members within one standard deviation of the mean: {percent_sn_std}%")

The population is created as normal_rand. Then the numpy.random.choice function is used to randomly pick one tenth of the population as a sample. Then we repeat the same process as before to calculate the sample mean, variance, standard deviation. And what do we get?

Quite close to what you'd expect from a standard deviation. If you don't remember the basics of probabilites, refresh your memory in the core concepts of probabilites. But since we defined the population to have a mean 0, and standard deviation of 1, this is exactly what we'd expect even for a sample one tenth the population.

And once more, what we know from our knowledge about probability distributions, we know that a standard normal distribution should have roughly 68% will be within one standard deviation from the mean. Here the random sample achieves 62%, not bad at all.

How does the Blood Pressure Sample Compare to the Normal Sample?

To finish this exercise off, first we'll chart the histogram of the normal distribution sample.

plt.hist(sample_n, bins=20, edgecolor='black')
plt.axvline(mean_sn, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
plt.axvline(mean_sn + std_sn, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
plt.axvline(mean_sn - std_sn, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
plt.title('Sample of Normal Distribution')

Again, using axvline it's nice to get some guidelines of the mean and the area that is one standard deviation away from it. Which gives us this histogram...


Because this is a randomly chosen sample one tenth the size of the sourced population, we still get some random noise in there. However, this is about as good a normal distribution as can be expected.

It's hard to compare two histograms without them being together. Plot the two previous histograms so they're side by side. Again, we'll use the same basic code as before, but the axis will need to get pulled out.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
ax[0].hist(df['blood pressure'], bins=20, edgecolor='black')
ax[0].axvline(mean_s, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
ax[0].axvline(mean_s + std_s, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
ax[0].axvline(mean_s - std_s, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
ax[0].set_title('Blood Pressure Sample')

ax[1].hist(sample_n, bins=20, edgecolor='black')
ax[1].axvline(mean_sn, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
ax[1].axvline(mean_sn + std_sn, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
ax[1].axvline(mean_sn - std_sn, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5)
ax[1].set_title('Random Normal Sample')


Also, don't forget to put the plots together again, after defining them as ax[0] and ax[1], by using the plt.tight_layout() then functions. What we get is pretty telling.


Unfortunately, the blood pressure sample just doesn't compare that well to the normal distribution sample. Remember the percentage of measurements from the sample that were within one standard deviation of the mean? It was 5 out of 10 or 50%. This random sample has 62%, and the perfect standard normal 68%.

The primary problem here is that there just isn't very much data.

Sampling this little data you have to be really careful to not draw too many conclusions when analyzing it. Small samples exhibit non standard behaviors more easily.

Correlation & Covariance

Basic Theory

We talk about data being correlated when blah TODO FILL IN THIS SECTION WITH THEORY & INCL. LINKS LIKE WIKIPEDIA

Covariance is the measure of the relationship between two variables. As in, if one variable increases, the other variable increases or decreases. It is the measure of how much one variables changes in relation to the other.

Equation of Correlation

The basic equation of correlation is this:


You multiply the sample's x & y variables, then you sum them, and finally divide by the number of samples.

We need to do some more nuanced work here though.

Covariance & Correlation Coefficients

Mean or Expected Value



Transformed/Shifted Coordinates



Covariance Equation

Using these values calculated before, for covariance we can define it by cov(x,y) like we do below.


Problem of Scale

When we calculate all these covariance in different contexts a problem arises. We might be dealing with variable x that is of a very small set of values. Perhaps x is the number of rooms in a piece of real estate. Then y might be a very large scale set of numbers, perhaps the price of said real estate which could be in the 100ks or many millions. There's a problem of scale here that we need to fix for this metric to be useful.

Pearson Correlation Coefficient

$r = \frac{1}{N}\sum_n \frac{X_n}{\sigma_x}\frac{y_n}{\sigma_y}=\frac{1}{N} \frac{\sum_n x_ny_n}{\sigma_x*\sigma_y}=\frac{\sum_n x_ny_n}{\sqrt{((\sum_n x_nx_n)(\sum_n y_ny_n))}}$

Where σx is:

$\sigma_x = \sqrt{\frac{\sum(x - \mu_x)(x - \mu_x)}{N}} = \sqrt{\frac{\sum(XX)}{N}}$

This will ensure the value of covariance is always between positive & negative 1.

Correlation & Covariance in Python


Central Limit Theorem

Say we have a box of tickets. Each ticket will have only a 0 or 1 value. We randomly pick a sample of these tickets. Without knowing the underlying statistics of these tickets it's not a bad guess to assume there will be roughly uniform amounts in the sample. But we just don't know enough about the statistics here to make that assumption in any sound way.

Experiment: The Central Limit Theorem

Create a sample by drawing M tickets, one at a time.

If M is 8 we will perform 8 trials for each ticket drawing. Then the value is recorded and the ticket is put back into the population to not distort the underlying population.

Eventually you get an array of [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]. We now have a single trial of M = 8. Then let's do some basic statistics on this trial.



Remember, small samples need the Bessel Correction to get the unbiased variance. This differs a good bit from the population variance, not the mean.

Abraham de Moivre Expirement


Unbiased variance is related to population variance


Remember S here is the Sample variance and σ2 is the population variance.

By doing lots of trials the variance starts shrinking towards reaching the population variance.

The Actual Central Limit Theorem

The more statistical trials you perform, the closer to the normal distribution you get. Doesn't matter what the underlying statistics of the population is.

Exercise: Drinks Data Correlation

*TODO Put this data csv into your bin or s3

We are given a CSV of drinks here TODO link the data here Make some generalizations about drinks preferences by countries.

# Drinks exercise
# In Asia is wine or spirits best correlated with beer consumption?
# Is it the same in North America?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
drinks = pd.read_csv('')
country beer_servings spirit_servings wine_servings total_ls_alcohol continent
0 Afghan 0 0 0 0.0 Asia
1 Albania 89 132 54 4.9 Europe
2 Algeria 25 0 14 0.7 Africa
3 Andorra 245 138 312 12.4 Europe
4 Angola 217 57 45 5.9 Africa

Now we see what the table looks like. Let's start by analyzing the correlations. Start with Asia.

asia = drinks.loc[drinks['continent'] == 'Asia']

Use loc on drinks dataframe. Then within the loc specify the column continents should be equal to Asia. Finally it's as simple as using pandas.DataFrame.corr to get correlation.

beer_servings spirit_servings wine_servings total_ls_of_alcohol
beer_servings 1.000000 0.694426 0.437488 0.899253
spirit_servings 0.694426 1.000000 0.225150 0.772893
wine_servings 0.437488 0.225150 1.000000 0.533320
total_ls_of_pure_alcohol 0.899253 0.772893 0.533320 1.000000

Yup it seems asia is most correlated with beer when you look at how much beer is correlated with total amount of alcohol consumed.

Further Reading

I put my Jupyter Notebook for this Exercise in a Github Gist. You can see everything done in one place perhaps more easily there.

Making Predictions with Linear Regression

What is Linear Regression?

Linear regression is a machine learning algorithm that is used to predict values within a continuous range (i.e. stocks' price & height) rather than classifying them into categories (i.e. male or female).

The values that you want to predict are the dependent variable(s). The predictions can be made using one or more independent variables.

There are two types of linear regression: simple & multiple.

Simple Linear Regression

Simple linear regression is the most basic form of linear regression. Its mathematical formulation is based on the traditional equation of the line:


Where x is the independent variable, y is the dependent variable, m is the slope, b is the intercept with the y-axis. In the context of a linear regression, x represents the input variable that is used to make the prediction, whereas y represents the prediction. Additionally, in the context of machine learning, m is the weight and b is the bias.

One of the most important assumptions of linear regression is that the data has a linear relationship. However, in the real world, data is often not perfectly linear, but rather it will be in the form of a cluster of data points on a scatter plot. The goals of linear regression are to compute the line of best fit that describes the linear properties of the data and to determine how well this line fits the data in cluster of points.

Simple Linear Regression by Hand

To understand the concepts above, let's try to compute the result for a linear regression example.

Let's consider the dataset below:

Income in USD Happiness Score
0 0.25
10 0.30
20 0.33
30 0.47
40 0.53
50 0.68
60 0.72

You can plot the data above in Python as a scatter plot using the seaborn library, a Python library for data visualization. The Seaborn library is widely used in data science as it integrates well with pandas data structures, such as series & dataframes. It also has much nicer defaults for the matplotlib library it wraps the functionality of.

To install seaborn, run the following command in your terminal.

pip install seaborn


From the plot above, you can observe that the data follows a linear pattern. Thus, as an example, you can use linear regression to make an accurate prediction of the actual happiness score for an income equal to 30.

Given the data points above, you can compute the line of best fit that will help you to make your prediction. From the equation of the line below, you can see that the line of least squares has two components: the slow, m, and intercept b. The equations for m and b are given by:


In the equation above, the symbol represents a summation. The table below contains computations for all the summations needed to compute coefficients m & b.

Income in USD(x) Happiness(y) xy x^2 y^2
10 0.25 2.5 100 0.0625
20 0.30 6.0 400 0.09
30 0.33 9.9 900 0.1089
40 0.47 18.8 1600 0.2209
50 0.53 26.5 2500 0.2809
60 0.68 40.8 3600 0.4624
70 0.72 50.4 4900 0.5184
x y xy x2 y2
270 3.03 152.4 13900 1.6815

Now it is a simple matter of plugging your values into the equation for m & b. n is the number of values in the dataset, which in this case 7.

m=nxyxynx2(x)2= 7(152.4)(270)(3.03)7(13900)2702=248.724400=0.01


So for this dataset, the line of best fit has the equation:


Now, to predict the happiness score for the value 30, you can just substitute 30 for and compute the prediction.


The result, although not that different from the one you had initially with the data, represents a much more accurate result for the happiness score.

Now that you have seen how simple linear regression works, let's have a look at the multiple linear regression.

Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple linear regression can be viewed as a natural extension of simple linear regression. The main difference is that now multiple sets of data are used to make the prediction.

Thus, the equation for multiple linear regression becomes:


Where x1,x2,,xn represent the data points of all the independent variables used to make the prediction, m1,m2,,mn are the weights, and b is the bias.

A practical application for multiple linear regression would be, for example, to predict the price of a house (the dependant variable) based on multiple factors, such as the number of bedrooms, the square footage, and the distance to downtown. All of these variables represent the independent variables.

Example of Using both Numerical & Categorical Data

Taken from a query from you know who.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Load the sample housing data
data = {
'square_feet': [1500, 1700, 1900, 1700, 1300],
'type': ['apartment', 'apartment', 'house', 'house', 'apartment'],
'price': [100000, 120000, 150000, 145000, 90000]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Define the column transformer to handle the categorical and numerical columns separately
categories = ['type']
ct = ColumnTransformer(
('encoder', OneHotEncoder(), categories)

# Create the pipeline with the column transformer and a linear regression model
pipeline = Pipeline([
('transformer', ct),
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('regressor', LinearRegression())

# Split the data into training and test sets
X = df.drop('price', axis=1)
y = df['price']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Fit the model to the training data, y_train)

# Evaluate the model on the test data
score = pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)
print("Test score: ", score)


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