PCDE Course Module 21 Content


In this module, you will learn about reinforcement learning and deep neural networks. You will begin with an introduction to machine learning algorithms, supervised learning, and unsupervised learning. Next, you will learn about the k-means algorithm, which is used to cluster points and create clustering pipelines in Python. Then, you will delve into the confusion matrix in greater detail and learn about the accuracy score. In the next section, you will gain an understanding of reinforcement learning and deep neural networks. You will explore how a reward matrix is used to demonstrate states, actions, and rewards in reinforcement learning. Next, you will learn how the Quality matrix (Q-matrix) and Bellman equation are used to solve reinforcement learning problems in Python. Then, you will practice applying these concepts in various activities to see reinforcement learning from a hands-on perspective. Finally, you will learn about deep neural networks exemplified by the Deep Dream exercise. In the final assignment for this module, you will practice coding a reinforcement learning algorithm.

Discussion 21.1

Knowledge Check 21.1: The K-means Algorithm and Machine Learning Algorithms

Discussion 21.2: Use Cases for Reinforcement Learning

Introduction for Discussion 21.2

Both reinforcement learning and artificial neural networks are ubiquitous in contemporary society. From self-driving cars to image recognition and object detection, the world is full of technology that relies on these ideas. There are many options for exploring these ideas with Python, specifically using pre-built libraries to implement reinforcement learning algorithms, artificial neural networks, and reinforcement learning using artificial neural networks.

Below are brief overviews of reinforcement learning and artificial intelligence topics, each paired with a link to a popular library implementation for the given task. For this discussion post, your task is to identify a topic of interest from the options below, read through the resource provided, and respond to the specific questions for your selected prompt to guide your discussion. Be sure to specify which option you have selected at the beginning of your discussion post.

Select a discussion prompt from the options below:

Artificial Neural Networks

An artificial neural network is an effective approach to learning for both regression and classification problems. For more complex applications, it is important to understand the basic structure of an artificial neural network (ANN). Google has a popular open-source artificial neural network library called TensorFlow which can be used to implement ANNs. An exploratory tool called the TensorFlow Playground can be used to experiment with the architecture of a neural network for both classification and regression tasks.

Convolutional Neural Networks

A convolutional neural network (CNN) is an implementation of the artificial neural network that gained popularity with applications to image processing, such as image classification and object detection. Specifically, a CNN uses the convolution operation together with a filter to extract features from images and then uses these features for learning. Google’s TensorFlow has a Machine Learning Glossary with information about the convolution operation.

Transfer Learning

Transfer learning is the idea of learning in one situation, then transferring to help performance in another. With artificial neural networks, this translates to utilizing a network that is trained on a different dataset to help with a new task. There are many resources available to make use of pretrained networks. Specifically, the focus on this discussion is on networks that are trained in language. In these instances, there are many reasons to allow one entitiy to use a very large dataset and train a neural network on this data to make the weights from the network accesible to others for model training. The Hugging Face Python library implements this type of transfer learning.

Multi-Armed Bandit Problems

One of the first applications of reinforcement learning was to bandit problems. The popular analogy is that of a multi-armed creature sitting behind a wall of slot machines, moving its arms from lever to lever, controlling all the machines. The goal is to make the optimal choice of arm pulls by learning from experience. One example application of the bandit problem is to A/B testing. Google also implements the TF-Agents library, which is built on top of its TensorFlow interface. In this library, you can define an environment, actor, and policy for the actor in the environment.

Game Environments for Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning has been very successful in the domain of human vs. machine game playing. Examples from chess, Go, and Atari all demonstrate the success of reinforcement learning being applied to multi-person game scenarios. The Open-AI Gym library can help to explore reinforcement learning algorithms. Explore the available environments in the Open-AI Gym library. Then, practice using the Deep Q-Network (DQN) algorithm with the gym to train a model in the Train a Deep Q-Network with TF-Agents Links to an external site. example from TensorFlow.

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

My Response to Discussion 21.1

Reinforcement Learning seems the most interesting to me because it appears the most open ended in its possibilities. So games being run by Reinforcement Learning AIs seem very interesting. The OpenAI Gym library seems to be a tool for developing and evaluating reinforcement learning algorithms in the context of the artificial environments of games. Games are useful environments for reinforcement learning because their constraints, rules and states are well defined, especially in older games, like the Atari games that the OpenAI Gym library was originally developed for.

This library focuses particularly on one kinds of reinforcement learning algorithms called Q-learning, specifically the Deep Q-Network (DQN) algorithm. Q learning builds a table of state-action pairs and the reward for each pair reflect the environment. Add deep learning networks to this algorithm, you train the network to predict the reward for each state-action pair. This leverages the strengths of deep neural networks that are great at learning patterns in data to improve the exploration phase of Q learning with neural networks' ability to classify data.

To use the DQN algorithm in OpenAI Gym, you can follow the example provided by the TF-Agents library tutorial from TensorFlow. The example uses the CartPole environment, which is a pole balancing game. Where the state is represented by the position and velocity of a cart and the angle and angular velocity of the pole on top of it in a physics simulation simulating how the pole would move in real life. The state space in this simulation are the possible angles, velocities, and positions of the cart and pole.

To train the DQN algorithm for the CartPole environment, you initialize a reward matrix with all zeros, representing all possible cart and pole positions, angles and velocities. Then, you run the simulation for a number of episodes, and obvserve the reward for each state-action pair. Then you take the state-action pair with the highest reward and update the reward matrix with the reward for that state-action pair.

The result eventually becomes an algorithm able to comfortably balance the pole on the cart in a number of circumstances.

Activity 21.1: Reinforcement Learning Activity

Introduction for Activity 21.1

In this activity, you will explore how implementing an algorithm using reinforcement learning can improve the performance of your results. In particular, you will work with a Python implementation that simulates the movements of a self-driving cab to calculate how many steps it takes to pick up and drop off a passenger at the correct locations.

You will consider the implementations of this problem with and without reinforcement learning, and you will be asked to compare the performance, results, and penalties of the algorithms.

Instructions for Activity 21.1

  1. In a Terminal window, run the following command to install the Python gym library. python3 -m pip install cmake 'gymnasium[atari]' scipy
  2. Download the Activity_21.1 folder and open it using your local instance of Jupyter Notebook. There are seven questions throughout the Jupyter Notebook for this activity. Some questions will require you to modify code, and others will require open-ended written responses.
  3. Read the instructions and modify the code that is provided in the related cells for questions 1, 2, 3, and 5.
  4. Read the instructions and complete the open-ended questions for questions 4, 6, and 7. Below each cell that contains a question, you will see a Markdown cell in which you can answer that question. Responses should fully answer the question that is provided, and each response should be approximately two to three sentences.

Submission Instructions for Activity 21.1

Your submission for this activity should be a Jupyter Notebook that includes your completed code and your open-ended responses:

  1. Update the code cell by completing the print statement by calling the observation_space method to print the number of states in your environment.
  2. Update the code cell by completing the code to encode the position of your agent and the pickup and drop-off locations in your environment. Then, run the code to generate a number that corresponds to a state between 0 and 499.
  3. Update the code cell by filling in the ellipsis with the state generated in the code cell for Step 2.
  4. Explain the condition that will make the infinite while loop end.
  5. Update the code cell by defining a Quality matrix with all zero entries and dimensions of 500 x 6. Then, assign this matrix to the q_table variable.
  6. Describe the main difference between the implementation in Part3 and the one that was proposed in Part 2. Explain which equation is used to train the algorithm and fill the entries of the Quality matrix.
  7. Compare the performances of the two approaches presented in this activity. Which one performed better? Include the number of steps taken each time the algorithm ran and the penalties that were incurred.

Note: Part 1 = Steps 1-3, Part 2 = Step 4, Part 3 = Steps 5-7.

Discussion 21.2

Discussion 21.2 Instructions

Reinforcement learning is a powerful tool in which an algorithm attempts to get an agent to perform some task while maximizing a reward. The agent can be in numerous states and perform certain actions, which will bring the agent to a different state. Reinforcement learning algorithms are used most often when programming games, such as chess, Super Mario, and others (Kung-Hsiang 2018).

You have learned about the basics of Q-learning. However, in this discussion, you will examine two more reinforcement learning techniques and compare them to one another. Each algorithm has pros and cons which are important to understand before implementing a specific solution to your reinforcement learning model.

Discussion 21.2 State-Action-Reward-State-Action (SARSA)

State-Action-Reward-State-Action (SARSA) is an algorithm that is very closely related to Q-learning. The key difference is that SARSA is an on-policy algorithm, meaning that it often finds a near-optimal solution (Gupta 2021). SARSA differs from Q-learning in that it learns from performing actions on the current policy.

The result of the SARSA equation is dependent on the current state, current action, reward obtained, future state, and future action. The formula for the SARSA algorithm is provided below (Gupta 2021):


There are some advantages and disadvantages to using the SARSA model. One disadvantage is that SARSA is an on-policy algorithm, meaning that it is often a near-optimal solution. In order to obtain an optimal solution using SARSA, it is necessary to implement a decay function, which can become an unreliable parameter (Sarode 2018). However, the advantages generally outweigh this drawback. SARSA usually has a lower per-sample variance. This means that it does not suffer converging issues as some Q-learning algorithms do (Sarode 2018). SARSA is more conservative than Q-learning. This is a result of SARSA allowing for negative penalties in the exploring process, while Q-learning ignores possible negative penalties (Sarode 2018). Whereas Q-learning can result in large negative penalties close to the optimal path, SARSA is a safer option because it attempts to avoid these negatives in the solution completely.

A major motivation to choose SARSA over traditional Q-learning techniques is its ability to avoid major risks. In a situation where high negative penalties can generate serious harm, you will most likely choose a close-to-optimal path rather than risk a catastrophic failure. Imagine that you are training a robot in the real world. If the robot were to perform an incorrect action, it could break itself and become useless. In this situation, SARSA would be the desired technique because the actions taken are naturally more conservative.

Discussion 21.2 Deep Q-Network (DQN)

Applying reinforcement learning to real-world problems can often produce large Q-matrices that contain thousands of cells. In this case, applying a traditional Q-learning algorithm can generate two problems:

  1. The time-cost tradeoff to explore each state and action is too large. The more cells that a Q-matrix has, the longer it takes to explore, which quickly becomes impractical (Das 2020).
  2. The larger the Q-matrix, the more memory is necessary to explore each state. For each exploration, the table must be saved and updated, which is very costly and memory intensive (Das 2020).

The main downfalls of Q-learning are its lack of generalizability and lack of scalability. When a Q-learning algorithm gets to a state that it has not yet discovered, it has no idea which action is the best and must guess. The larger the input size, the more guesses need to be performed. Introducing a neural network to predict the best action for a given state can solve these issues (Das 2020).

A Deep Q-Network (DQN) combines the concepts of reinforcement learning and deep neural networks by introducing a neural network into the Q-learning algorithm to predict Q-values for a given state (Das 2020). The input to the neural network is the current state, and the output is a predicted Q-value for each possible action (Gupta 2019). The following images show a Q-matrix and a deep neural network to highlight the difference between traditional Q-learning and DQN:

As you can see, in a DQN, the values of the next possible actions are not just calculated based on the entries of the Quality matrix. Rather, they are computed by the hidden layers in the neural network. Finally, the value of the next action is determined by taking the maximum output value from the DQN.

The main advantage of applying a DQN is scalability. As the input size becomes larger, the performance of the model does not suffer. DQN allows for the simplicity of Q-learning to be applied to larger problems. The first notable implementation of DQN was with an Atari game bot in which the input was a picture of the current Atari screen, and the output was a predicted action that the agent should make to win the game (Volodymyr et al. 2013). To learn more about this interesting implementation, read the Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning article about this model.

For this discussion post, you will propose a real-world use case for each of the three reinforcement learning algorithms that you have learned about so far (Q-learning, SARSA, and DQN). In your discussion post, answer the following prompts:

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

My Response

Q-Learning: Navigation

Q learning can be implemented in autonomous vehicles to navigate their respected environments, to constrain the problem space I'll explore an autonomous vacuum. Rather than navigate from point A to B, the vacuum will construct many paths to fill space in the most efficient way possible while avoiding walls, furniture, etc. This works well because there's clear rewards, filling space is good, hitting walls is bad. It's also good because the environment is static and somewhat discrete, the vacuum can only turn and move forward and back.

The scalability of this solution is good, a set of rooms can be explored in a reasonable amount of time. However, Q-learning suffers from dimensionality, the Q matrix expands very quickly as the number of states increases. So there is some concern for larger environments with more obstacles scaling poorly.

So applying this algorithm to larger and more complex environments might be ill advised.

SARSA: Video Game AI

Game playing AIs are a good fit for SARSA, the agent can explore the environment and avoid negative rewards like falling off the map or colliding with enemies in platform games like Mario or Sonic. The more conservative nature of SARSA is a good fit for games where the agent can die or lose the game. Conservative meaning it is less likely to explore and incur penalties.

SARSA however still suffers from the same scalability issues as Q-learning. It still needs to construct a Q matrix and the number of states can grow very quickly.

Q Learning wouldn't perform as well here because it's more prone to explore and lead to actions that end the game, thus increaseing learning time to converge on a performant model.

DQN: Recommendation Systems

DQN is a good fit for recommendation systems, such as song or movie recommendations. In DQN the action and states are discrete, but are instead represented as a vector of features within a hidden layer of a neural network.

Here the entire corpus of media being recommended is the environment. The states are the current media being consumed and the actions are the next media to be recommended. The rewards are the user's reaction to the recommendation, which could be explicit interactions like a like or dislike or implicit interactions like time spent consuming the media.

Since there's usually such a huge set of options for each state and action combination, the scalability of DQN is a good fit. You don't need explicit rules for every possible combination of states and actions, the neural network can learn the rules. You also don't need to store a Q matrix for every possible combination, instead you store the tensor weights of the neural network, which is generally going to be much more compressible.

While it's possible to apply Q-learning or SARSA to this sort of system, their need for mapping every possible state and action combination limits their scalability to the number of possible choices.

Knowledge Check 21.2: Reinforcement Learning and Deep Neural Networks

Further Reading for OpenAI Gym (Module Used)


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