PCDE Course Module 17 Content


In this module, you will learn how to use NiFi to perform extract, transform, and load (ETL). NiFi is a data pipeline and transformation tool from the Apache Software Foundation. In the first section, you will build on your knowledge of ETL in data engineering from earlier modules. You will also delve deeper to learn specifics about the features, capabilities, and architecture of NiFi. In the next section, you will learn how to use NiFi to facilitate the handling of data by creating an ETL pipeline. You will build the components of your ETL pipeline including creating the database and containers, installing the driver, and setting up the FlowFiles, processors, and connectors. You will then practice using NiFi to work with data in a variety of different databases.

The mini-lessons and activities in this section have been tested using a Windows OS and the Catalina version of a Mac OS. If you use the Big Sur OS, you are recommended to use the myPhpAdmin container as demonstrated in this article: Run MySQL & phpMyAdmin Locally Using Docker.

Note: Make sure you have installed the tools you will need for Modules 17-19 in the Course Tools Module before beginning this module.

Discussion 17.1: Use Cases of ETL in Data Engineering

Discussion Introduction

As you have learned, ETL stands for the extraction, transformation, and loading of data. When referring to a data engineering project, you are mostly dealing with the following stages in that project: data collection, data storage, data transformation, and data consumption. Let’s look at each of the stages of the ETL process in detail.

Discussion Topic: Data Extraction

This stage includes the extraction and ingestion of data from multiple source systems. These source systems can be a variety of databases with different data formats. Different tools are used to ingest data from these source systems. Data engineers must ensure that the data integrity is maintained while transferring data from one location to another. It is also important to be mindful of the data types while ingesting the data to make sure that you don’t lose any data.

Discussion Topic: Data Transformation

This is the stage that involves manipulating the data. You can perform various operations on the data at this stage, such as cleaning the data, transforming the data, and applying rules based on business logic (e.g., filtering the data). All of the data transformation happens on the destination after the data has been successfully ingested. Any kind of business requirements and modification of data, such as deriving new columns, performing joins, and using aggregate functions, is done at this stage. It’s always a good practice to keep a copy of the source data as it is and create new intermediate tables to perform the operations required for the data transformation stage.

Discussion Topic: Data Loading

This is the stage where the new data is ready to be used or loaded to a new destination, such as a database. You can also load the transformed data set to the visualization tools for reporting purposes. This is the final stage of the ETL process in a data engineering pipeline where the output data set is loaded or shared to the desired destination.

Discussion Prompt

Based on this discussion, you have a good understanding of how to go about performing ETL operations when working on a data engineering project.

To apply what you have learned, consider an ETL project and describe the tasks involved in each step for that particular project. Key points to consider include:

Discuss how you will achieve each of these priorities based on your understanding of the ETL process. Elaborate on any other thoughts or considerations you have put in place in your ETL project.

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

Suggested Time: 60 minutes

Suggested Length: 250-300 words

This is a required activity and will count toward course completion.

ETL Discussion: My Response

The context I'm considering for ETL is an e-commerce system. An online retailer is going to be looking at customer data from their online storefront, CRM system, inventory management system, online advertising, and social media. All to better manage their inventory, increase sales, improve customer service, improve shopping experience, and increase customer retention and make plans.

ETL Data Extraction

Some of the data sources to look at for e-commerce are internal. Internally you can extract data from the web client for the store of its users, the inventory management systems. Here you can see which items customers place in their carts, spend the most time on examining, roughly where in the world they are located, account email, and transaction history and inventory at different times. There's also external sources, such as social media and web based advertising where you can examine interest by different kinds of customers and metrics like click through rates.

Here we need to decide on the data we are interested in, ideally all of it, but the specifics needs to be decided on and standardized. Once we have all the entities and properties defined it becomes easier to build all the rest of the ETL pipeline. This includes extract processes like deciding on when to pull data, how to check validity and for new data to avoid duplication, etc.

ETL Data Transformation

During transformation, particularly the external data sources need transformation. Internally the data systems should already be well defined. However some of the data columns might overlap or aggregate with external sources. So it's important to standardize data types, representations and the structure of the incoming data so all sources become consistent with each other. For example, a user ID might need to be associated with an internal customer email address along with a social media account. Then the data needs to be cleaned as there's always chances for missing data or data that can't be parsed into a format that the system needs. Other anomalies will need to be carefully monitored.

Data Loading

For data loading, the prepared data needs to be adapted to whatever form the drivers to the various databases or database systems are. In the case of MySQL, columns need to be picked and the appropriate INSERT INTO or UPDATE statements need to be generated and executed. The database system might include a CDC system that might need informing of the updates to the system as well.

Drag & Drop Activity 17.1: NiFi: An Apache ETL Tool

Knowledge Check 17.1: Basics of NiFi

Discussion 17.2: Pros and Cons of Apache ETL Tools

Discussion 17.2: Instructions

There are a variety of different ETL tools available on the market. It is critical to choose the proper ETL tool for the organization that you are working with. The Apache Software Foundation is one of the most popular open-source web server software organizations, and they have developed numerous ETL tools that can benefit organizations.

For this discussion, you will focus on one Apache ETL tool of your choice. All of the ETL tools provided by Apache are open source, so your choice of tool depends on your use case. It is important to understand the type of data you will be handling, whether you will require stream or batch processing, and any other relevant details related to your project.

In your discussion post, you will identify an existing Apache ETL tool and provide a detailed explanation for each of the following questions related to that tool:

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

Suggested Time: 60 minutes Suggested Length: 200-250 words

Discussion 17.2: Response

What Apache ETL tool did you choose, and why?

I choose Apache Airflow because I noticed that it uses Python to define workflows and task schedules as part of the ETL process. This appeals to me due to the language.

What security and privacy risks exist with using open-source tools?

The main risk is that the source code is available to anyone. Which is also its main benefit. More eyes on the code means more bugs are found and fixed. But it also means that anyone can find and exploit bugs in the code. So zero day exploits might be more common, but the responsiveness to security patches tends to be faster.

What are the possible integration issues, if any, with respect to databases?

It seems that Airflow supports all the most popular relational databases; PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. They don't however seem to support any NoSQL databases via connectors. This might be because Airflow uses SQLAlchemy.

Does the tool provide visualization of what worked and what failed?

Yes, it has a web interface that shows the status of all the tasks in a workflow. It uses a data structure known as Directed Acyclic Graphs. Essentially a graph where all nodes have a unified direction and don't loop back on themselves. This is visualized in the UI as different tasks for nodes and the edges between them as the dependencies. The colors of the nodes indicate the status of the task.

Does the tool help you to better understand the utilization of your data?

To an extent. It seems great at setting up pipelines and coordinating and scheduling them. It seems less stellar at visualizing the data itself.



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