PCDE Module 12 Content

Discussion 12.1: Use Cases for Relational Databases

Discussion Prompt

The library management system is usually a software solution based on the concept of a relational database management system (RDBMS). It consists of several entities, also called tables, and the relationship between these tables is identified by the entity-relationship model. Some of these tables are Books, Borrowers, Borrowing_status, etc.

The Books table can be composed of the following properties: book_id, book_name, book_author, and book_subject. The primary key of the table through which a book is uniquely identified is book_id.

The Borrowers table can consist of properties related to the borrower. For example, some fields may be borrower_id, name, contact_info, and address. The primary key of this table is borrower_id.

The Borrowing_status table can be the table that stores the current status of all books that are currently borrowed. It will show the current status of each book that was borrowed,, the due date and the borrowing history. You can also check who borrowed the book, whether the book was returned, and determine whether the borrower still has time to return the book or it is past the due date.

This table may contain the following fields: book_id, borrow_date, due_date, return_date, borrower_id, and book_status. In this table, you need a composite key, which includes a combination of fields, to uniquely identify each row. This is because there can be multiple records with the same book_id, borrower_id or even a combination of both as the primary key. Rather, you can use a combination of book_id, borrow_date, and book_status to be the composite primary key of this table, as one book can't be borrowed by multiple people on the same day. Book_id is the foreign key in this table, as one book can't be borrowed by multiple people on the same day. Book_id is the foreign key in this table, as the book_id property is related to the book_id field in the Books table, which is the primary key in the Books table.

Whenever a book is borrowed from the library, a new entry is created in the Borrowing_status table with all the details and the expected return date. Similarly, when a book is returned, the same entry is modified to update the return_date and borrowing_status properties.

If a book is more than two weeks overdue, the librarian can retrieve the borrower information from the Borrowers table and send the reminder email.

This use case provides you with an example of how a RDBMS is implemented in real life. Based on what you've learned, identify a use case in a domain that you are familiar with. The use case that you describe can be a hypothetical scenario, so you do not have to know and identify the properties for an actual existing database.

Discussion Response

I've wanted to build a self-hosted set of microservices that hashes, indexes and stores any arbitrary content you give it, whether it's a URL to a site, a picture file, or lines of text. The way I see it services like bit.ly, pastebin.com, and imgur.com perform roughly the same operations on its data but present them in different ways. Think a combined URL shortener, paste bin, and media file host. It would all revolve around a database that stores the content references, think of the shortened URL in this case, a hashed string like abc123 would be the content ID and would point to a reference like https://www.google.com/ or a file stored in the service. Then other properties like content type, creation date, expiration date, and permissions can expand on its functionality.

I think a References table would be the linchpin to the whole thing. It would store a hash that serves as the content ID, maybe call it content_id and it probably should be the primary key since it's unique for every entry. Then whatever common properties all the content types have in common would be stored in this table, like the original reference. If it's a URL that reference would be the URL, like https://www.google.com/. If it's a file or lines of text it would be a reference to an S3 endpoint or filesystem path holding the content.

Then for URL content, a URLs table would use the same primary key as the References table since URL references are a subset of all references. Then it would have all the properties necessary to have a feature-rich URL shortener. Maybe you want to track visits, so you'd have a visits field that's an integer. Maybe you want an expiration date for a URL, so you'd have an expiration_date field.

For image content, you'd again have the same primary key as the References table. You also might want to reference a thumbnail file that's generated for the original image to enable image previewing. You might also want to know the original source of the image or its resolution.

For a paste bin type analogous service you'd have a Texts table that, again would have the same primary key as the References table. You might want to know the language of the text, so you'd have a language field and this could include programming languages like python or javascript to change syntax highlighting or spell-checking for prose text.

Writing this out I'm realizing I've never encountered a use case where the primary key of a table is the same for several other tables. I think what I'm most interested about hearing from my peers is if this is a good idea or if there are any pitfalls I'm not thinking of. I think it might actually be beneficial in terms of SELECT queries where joins are inherently simplified.

Knowledge Check 12.1: Containers

Mini Lesson 12.2: MongoDB

What Is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a NoSQL database, which means that the data is not modeled in the tabular relationships used in relational databases. MongoDB is a document-oriented database that stores information in several document collections. A document collection in MongoDB would be the equivalent of a table in a relational database. MongoDB stores documents, the equivalent of MySQL records, in JSON format, and it does not need the structure or the schema of a relational database.

Documents are organized into collections where they can be queried. Data that is frequently accessed together is stored in the same place so read operations are extremely fast because no joins are required.

MongoDB knows how to coordinate multiple servers to store data. That makes MongoDB what is called a distributed database, which provides fault tolerance by keeping redundant copies of the same data in different servers, so a single server failure does not affect the application. MongoDB also scales across multiple servers to store data so, as data volume increases and performance requirements grow, you can just add more servers.

MongoDB is a widely used open-source document database. In fact, you will be taking advantage of containers to run MongoDB in order to install it and then run it on your machine.

Creating a Database Using MongoDB

Python can be used in database applications. MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL database tools. In this mini-lesson, you will learn about how to use MongoDB to create databases.

As you saw in Video 12.6, the first thing you need to do in order to connect to MongoDB using a Python driver is to install it on your machine. To accomplish this run the following command in your Terminal window:

pip3 install pymongo

To create a database in MongoDB, start by creating a Python file in your code editor of choice (e.g., VS Code).

Next, you need to create a MongoClient object, then specify a connection URL with the correct IP address and the name of the database you want to create. See the code below:

import pymongo
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
mydb = myclient["mydatabase"]

To check whether a database exists by listing all databases in your system, you can run the following code:


In MongoDB, tables are called collections. To create a collection in MongoDB, use the database object you created previously and specify the name of the collection you want to create.

The code below shows how to create a collection named customers in the mydatabase database defined above.

import pymongo
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
mydb = myclient["mydatabase"]
mycol = mydb["customers"]

You can check whether a collection exists in a database by listing all collections. To do so, add the following line to your Python script:


In MongoDB, records are called documents. To insert a document into a collection, you can use the insert_one() method.

The first parameter of the insert_one() method is a dictionary containing the name(s) and value(s) of each field in the document that you want to insert. See the example below:

import pymongo
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
mydb = myclient["mydatabase"]
mycol = mydb["customers"]
mydict = { "name": "John", "address": "Highway 37" }
x = mycol.insert_one(mydict)

To insert multiple documents, you will need to use the insert_many() method.

import pymongo
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
mydb = myclient["mydatabase"]
mycol = mydb["customers"]
mylist = [
{ "name": "Amy", "address": "Apple st 652"},
{ "name": "Hannah", "address": "Mountain 21"},
{ "name": "Michael", "address": "Valley 345"}
x = mycol.insert_many(mylist)

MongoDB is a powerful tool that you can use to create databases using Python code.

Knowledge Check 12.2: Document, Key-Value, and Distributed Scalable Databases

Discussion 12.2: Document, Key-Value, and Distributed Scalable Databases

Discussion 12.2 Prompt

As you have seen, databases can be of different types depending on your needs. For example, you can have document, key-value, and distributed scalable databases. In this discussion, you will be asked to provide a short description of the differences, pros, and cons of these different types of databases. Additionally, you will be challenged to propose examples of how each database can be used.

Make sure that you include the following in your post:

Using your own words, include a description of what each of the three database types are: document, key-value, and distributed scalable databases. Focus on the differences, pros, and cons of these databases. Present a short case study for each of the three types of databases above using data that interests you, and explain why it would be a good decision to choose different databases depending on your data.

Discussion 12.2 Comment Prompt

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

Suggested Time: 60 minutes

Suggested Length: 300 words

This is a required activity and will count toward course completion.

Discussion 12.2 Answer

Document Databases

Document databases are databases that store data in the form of documents. In the case of MongoDB, documents are stored in special kind of JSON format. This confers some unique advantages and disadvantages over relational databases.

Key-Value Databases

Key-value databases are databases that store data in the form of key-value pairs. Much like the dictionaries and hash tables that you have seen in programming languages. On the spectrum of complexity, key-value databases are the simplest.

Distributed Databases

Distributed databases are built from the ground up to split and replicate data across multiple servers. This can even include splitting the workload across multiple data centers. This makes them ideal for large datasets and fault tolerance.

Discussion 12.3: Use Cases for Serverless Cloud Databases

Discussion Prompt

As you have seen, Firebase is a serverless cloud database. Although it is one of the most famous and easy to use, it is not the only serverless cloud database offered by the data engineering community. In this discussion, you will be proposing an example of a use case of your choice using Firebase, and you will give a brief introduction about the other types of serverless cloud databases offered on the internet.

Make sure that you include the following in your post:

Using your own words, include a description of what a serverless cloud database is. Present a short case study using data that interests you and explain why it would be a good choice to write your data to Firebase, a serverless cloud database.

After doing some research on the internet, choose a different serverless cloud database other than Firebase and give a brief description of how it works. Focus on the differences, pros, and cons of it compared to Firebase. For example, you could research the AWS Serverless Cloud Database or the Aurora Serverless (Links to an external site.) Cloud Database.

Comment Prompt

Read the statements posted by your peers. Engage with them by responding with thoughtful comments and questions to deepen the discussion.

Suggested Time: 60 minutes

Suggested Length: 300 words

This is a required activity and will count toward course completion

Discussion Answer

Serverless Cloud Databases

Serverless cloud databases, like any other form of serverless resources, is a database whose infrastructure, configuration, maintenance, scaling, and security are all managed by a third-party. To you the developer, it's just a set of APIs that you interact with. The end result is a database that you can write to and read from, but everything else is being handled behind the scenes.

In my previous discussion post I discussed building a kind of content bin or URL shortener using relational database. Let's compare its implementation between Firebase the industry gold-standard and a serverless database I've had my cloud on Planetscale.


Firebase is a serverless cloud database that is owned by Google. It's a document database that uses JSON to store data. Beyond just its serverless nature, it comes with a lot of benefits baked in. There's add-on features to ease development of authentication, real-time data syncing, analytics (it's Google after all), and more.

In my use-case the primary disadvantage I can think of is that there is no way to define schemas with relationships which will complicate queries. However, it offers good pricing for small projects and a lot of features like authentication which can be useful.

Alternatives to Firebase

I've been interested in both Supabase and Planetscale for a while now. Since someone has already mentioned Supabase, I'll focus on Planetscale. The main difference between both and Firebase is that they are SQL databases. Planetscale is built on MySQL and a horizontal scaling architecture, Vitess. Supabase is based on PostgreSQL. What Planetscale offers that Firebase doesn't is the ability to define schemas and relationships between tables. To me that's a big deal because I can relate predictable data to each other. It also offers authentication, serverless functions, and object storage. The other big difference is it's built with open source tooling. Using Firebase locks you into the Google ecosystem.


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