Document Databases

These are databases that use documents as the main organizing unit of the datastore. NoSQL as it's known is a schema-less way to store data in documents and collections.


Note: See MongoDB notes for more details.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database, which means that the data is not modeled in the tabular relationships used in relational databases. MongoDB is a document-oriented database that stores information in several document collections.

A document collection in MongoDB would be the equivalent of a table in a relational database, also known as just a collection. MongoDB stores documents, the equivalent of MySQL records in JSON format, and it doesn't need the structure or the schema of a relational database.

Documents are organized into collections where they can be queried. Data that is frequently accessed together is typically stored in the same document so read operations are extremely fast because no joins are required.

MongoDB knows how to coordinate multiple servers to store data. That makes MongoDB called a distributed database, which provides fault tolerance by keeping redundant copies of the same data in different servers, so a single server failure does not affect the application. MongoDB also scales across multiple servers to store data so, as data volume increases and performance requirements grow, you can just add more servers.

MongoDB is a widely used open source document database. In fact, you will be taking advantage of containers to run MongoDB in order to install it and the run it on your machine.


Note: See Firebase notes for more details.

Firebase is an application platform that simplifies significant amounts of backend application service development. This includes common backend logic like security authentication and authorization. Database management using its NoSQL Document Database Management System.

The Data Structure

Ultimately the data structure of MongoDB is a JSON document.

Creating a Database Using MongoDB

Python can be used in database applications. MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL database tools. In this mini-lesson, you will learn about how to use MongoDB to create databases.

For more details check out the MongoDB Using Python.


Note References