Visualizing Data in SQL

Bad Sakila Example

Let's try this out by checking out the counts of rentals every customer has made.

SELECT rentals, COUNT(*) AS num_customers,
RPAD('', COUNT(*), '*') AS bar
SELECT customer_id, count(rental_id) as rentals
FROM rental
) a

This performs a sub-query to create a pseudo-table in the first FROM. You get rentals by counting the rental_ids GROUPed BY the 1. That 1 is a literal to select the first column, regardless of name.

Histograms in SQL

Because of how simple the data displays in SQL are, it's important to understand what the limitations are.

The RPAD function basically just takes a number, then produces a string by the number of times it occurs. This gives us basic visualizations, but for anything more it's better to use SQL as the way to organize data in a query before sending it to a better equipped piece of software for visualization.

Grouping Data into Bins

Say you wanted to know, from the movie rental database, how much customers were spending? We can group the amount into several bins.

graph TD
C{Total Spending}
C -->D[Group1]
C -->E[Group2]
C -->F[Group3]

Each group gets some discrete range of a value, and the groups each increase in the values of that range. So wouldn't it be nice to see how many customers fell into each bin?

SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount) AS total
FROM payment

So in this case we can start off by searching for the amount that each customer, customer_id has spent (ie a SUM), and we can GROUP that together. This then gets us a result table of customer_id, and total as the sum of each grouped customer's purchases on record. With the ORDER BY at the end there we can see who spent the most first.

Binning Using the CASE Statement

As mentioned, we want to put those spending sums into broader groups to see the overall spending patterns of the customers at a broader view. So we aggregate the results yet again.

Below we use the CASE statement which goes through conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met. And as these CASE statements are chained together, it forms bins in various groups of 25 till one of the CASEs match. There needs to also be a ELSE statement in case a value can't fit within these bin CASEs.

CASE WHEN total <= 75 THEN 'up to 75'
WHEN total <= 100 THEN '75 to 100'
WHEN total <= 125 THEN '100 to 125'
WHEN total <= 150 THEN '125 to 150'
WHEN total <= 175 THEN '150 to 175'
WHEN total <= 200 THEN '175 to 200'
ELSE '200+' END AS bin,
COUNT(*) AS count
FROM ( -- this is the original selection query
SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount) AS total
FROM payment
) a

It isn't enough to simply define the bins however. To find the spending sums of each customer we need to use the same aggregation query as before to SELECT for SUM(amount) and Use that result for CASE-WHEN-ELSE statements to group into bins. So we SELECT bins FROM a SELECT query FROM the payments database result. The resulting table will then look like this.

bin count
100 to 125 221
125 to 150 128
150 to 175 37
175 to 200 7
200+ 2
75 to 100 166
up to 75 38

Now we have what we're looking for. A number of bins for different ranges of spending sums, and the associated number of customers spending within the range of each of these bins.

Detecting Duplicates

One of the common concerns when it comes to data in a database is the integrity. That is, have we somehow entered a record twice, is there a duplicate? Let's take a look at how we can interrogate our database through selections to detect the possibility of having duplicates.

Visually Finding Duplicates

One of the first things that comes to mind is to use a visual inspection. In this case we can run a query say in this case of the rental table and to order this to be able to visually inspect that information.

SELECT rental_id, rental_date, return_date
FROM rental
ORDER BY 1,2,3;

Here we query the rental database for rental_id, rental_date, return_date. These together will need to be unique. By using ORDER BY to sort these values, duplicates will be seen adjacent to each other.

Unfortunately this is a large table. Finding it visually will be time consuming. It's not very reliable. But this might be worthwhile when you have a small amount of data.

Finding Duplicates through Aggregation

Let's go ahead and use the customer table. Here we aggregate the data by several columns. Then count the number of grouped rows show up. Finally, sort the records descending to quickly find results that are duplicates.

SELECT customer_id, first_name, last_name, COUNT(*) as records
FROM customer
GROUP BY 1,2,3

This works, however the results are a little messy. To improve the query, let's aggregate the records again.

SELECT records, COUNT(*)
FROM ( -- same aggregation query as before, but querying its results
SELECT customer_id, first_name, last_name, COUNT(*) as records
FROM customer
GROUP BY 1,2,3
) a
WHERE records > 1

Notice that the same query as before is placed inside FROM. That way we can query the results of that query. We aggregate yet again by the records result and the count of them. Then we filter out all the values less than or equal to 1. The result is then only the duplicate records.

Querying only DISTINCT Records

By using the distinct expression within a query statement it is possible to only query distinct records.

SELECT count(distinct customer_id) as records
FROM customer;

If you run this query only the distinct records show up. If you remember the count after this query, then run the query again without the distinct keyword, then the difference in those counts will tell you the number of duplicates present.


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