Programming Language


Programming Languages are the structured languages used to communicate with computers. They are used to create programs that instruct the computer to perform specific tasks. There is even computer science theory that deals with the design, implementation, analysis, characterization, and classification of programming languages and their individual features. (Wikipedia 2023)

List and Classification of Programming Languages

Programming languages can be classified in many ways. This is my filtered list of programming languages that correspond roughlty to Wikipedia's classified list of programming languages.

Assembly Languages

Assembly languages directly correspond to a machine instruction set. So machine code instructions appear in a form of human understandable text. Assembly languages use an assembler to convert instructions, relocatable memory addresses and operands into machine code.

Shell Scripting Languages

Command-line interface (CLI) languages a.k.a. batch languages are languages that are designed to be used in a command-line interface or to script an operating system shell.

Compiled Languages

Compiled languages are languages that are compiled into machine code directly by a compiler.

Interpreted Languages

Interpreted languages are languages that are interpreted by an interpreter at runtime.

Domain Specific Languages (DSL)

Domain specific languages are languages that are designed for a specific domain.

Markup Languages

Markup languages are languages that are used to annotate text and data with metadata.

Parallel Computing Languages

Parallel computing languages are languages that are designed to facilitate parallel computing.


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