PCDE Project 15.1: Creating a Books Web Application


In this project, you will expand on the concepts you learned in Module 11 to create a website that shows your collection of books. You will start by adding the cover image for each book so that they are rendered on your website beside their corresponding book titles. Next, you will add more users along with their respective usernames and passwords. Building on what you learned in Module 11, you will also set their roles to either admin or reader. This will allow the users to perform different actions on the website based on their roles. Finally, you will define a function that only allows users with the admin role to add new books to your website.

Prior to beginning this project, be sure to review the submission instructions below to ensure that you collect the required screenshots as you progress through the project.

This project is worth a total of 100 points.

Project Instructions

Step 1

Open a Terminal window on your machine and install the flask-restful and flask-jwt-extended libraries using the following commands:

pip install flask-restful
pip install flask-jwt-extended

Provide two screenshots. One screenshot should show that you successfully installed the flask-restful library. One screenshot should show that you successfully installed the flask-jwt-extended library.

Step 2

Download and unzip the Project 15.1 folder on your machine. Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully opened the folder using VS Code.

Step 3

In the app.py file, add two more books of your choice. Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully added two more books to the books list.

Step 4

Inside the static folder, add the cover images for the books that you just added. Provide two screenshots, one for each new cover image, to show that you successfully uploaded and opened the new cover images using VS Code.

Step 5

Inside the books.html file, add a line of html code to match each book cover to the book in the books list. Use the following template for this line of html code:

<img src="static/image{*book_id_reference*}.png" width = "50">

Once you are satisfied with your solution, provide a screenshot to show that you successfully added the correct html line of code in the books.html file.

Step 6

Inside the app.py file, add two more users, one with the role of reader and one with the role of admin. Feel free to choose any username and password you would like to define these users. Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully added two new users, one with the role of admin and one with the role of reader, in the app.py file.

Step 7

Write the admin_required(fn) function to your app.py file. This function will follow the template below:

def admin_required(fn):
def wrappers(*args, **kwargs):
#add code below

return fn(*args, **kwargs):
return wrapper

This function should get the claim from the users defined in your code and allow the users to add books only if their role is set to admin. If a user’s role is not equal to admin, then the function should return the following exception:

    return jsonify(msg = ‘Admins only!’), 403

Provide a screenshot to show that you correctly defined the admin_required(fn) function.

Step 8

Run and debug your code in VS Code. Provide a screenshot of your Terminal window to show that your code ran correctly and successfully connected to localhost:5000.

Step 9

In your browser, navigate to localhost:5000/. Provide a screenshot of your browser window to show that you correctly opened the page localhost:5000/.

Step 10

Log in using the admin username and password that you defined in your app.py file. Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully logged in as an admin. For example, you can use the Testuser account.

Step 11

After logging in, navigate to the Books tab. Provide a screenshot to show that you can successfully see all the books defined in the app.py file along with their correct cover images.

Step 12

Navigate to the Add Books tab. Provide a screenshot to show that you can add a book. Then, log out of the admin account.

Step 13

Next, log in using the reader username and password that you defined in your app.py file. Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully logged in as a reader. For example, you can use the John account.

Step 14

Navigate to the Add Books tab. Try to add a new book. You should receive an error message. Provide a screenshot of the error message to show that you can’t add a new book to your website using an account with only reader privileges.

Submission Instructions

Submission Overview

Your submission for this project should be a Word document that includes the following screenshots, each labelled for the step that the screenshot represents:

Screenshots 1

Provide two screenshots. One screenshot should show that you successfully installed the flask-restful library. One screenshot should show that you successfully installed the flask-jwt-extended library.

Screenshot 2

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully opened the Project 15.1 folder using VS Code.

Screenshot 3

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully added two more books to the books list in the app.py file.

Screenshots 4

Provide two screenshots, one for each new cover image, to show that you successfully uploaded and opened the new cover images in the static folder using VS Code.

Screenshot 5

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully added the correct html line of code in the the books.html file.

Screenshot 6

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully added two new users, one with the role of admin and one with the role of reader, in the app.py file.

Screenshot 7

Provide a screenshot to show that you correctly defined the admin_required(fn) function.

Screenshot 8

Provide a screenshot of your Terminal window to show that your code ran correctly and successfully connected to localhost:5000.

Screenshot 9

Provide a screenshot of your browser window to show that you correctly opened the page localhost:5000/.

Screenshot 10

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully logged in as an admin.

Screenshot 11

Provide a screenshot to show that you can successfully see all the books defined in the app.py file along with their correct cover images in the Books tab.

Screenshot 12

Provide a screenshot to show that you can add a book using the Add Books tab.

Screenshot 13

Provide a screenshot to show that you successfully logged in as a reader.

Screenshot 14

Provide a screenshot of the error message to show that you can’t add a new book to your website using an account with only reader privileges.

Additional Details

Estimated time: 4 hours 30 minutes This is a required project and counts toward course completion.

Grading Rubric


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

Associated 15.2 Lecture

Project Guide

In this mini project we're going to go through a number of tasks related to books. The goal is to match up images of books within a database.

Then we're going to add some new useres with either admin or reader roles.

Then we're going to extend the security so that only an admin an /addbook or /addimage.

These are the starting users defined in a Python list of dictionaries.

users = [
{'username': 'testuser', 'password': 'testuser', 'role': 'admin'},
{'username': 'John', 'password': 'John', 'role': 'reader'},
{'username': 'Anne', 'password': 'Anne', 'role': 'reader'},

Here John and Anne are both reader users, defined by the role key. Then testuser is an admin user, also defined by the role key. The admin role will be allowed to do everything. While reader roles can only access pre-existing books or images.

You could also add yourself as a user with the admin role.

Project Starting Code

Here we'll start with some basic boilerplate to get started with the server.

//TODO: Add changes lecturer describes


Note Links

Web References