Hash Collision

Hash collision occurs when two different inputs to a hash function resolve to the same output.

To get more precise, here's the definition from Wikipedia:

In computer science, a hash collision or hash clash[^1] is when two pieces of data in a hash table share the same hash value. The hash value in this case is derived from a hash function which takes a data input and returns a fixed length of bits.[^2]

Although hash algorithms have been created with the intent of being collision resistant, they can still sometimes map different data to the same hash (by virtue of the pigeonhole principle). Malicious users can take advantage of this to mimic, access, or alter data.[^3]

Examining the likelihood of a hash collision is necessary when working with hash tables.

ChatGPT Query

My Initial Prompt

Consider the birthday paradox as an analogy to a URL shortener that hashes either URIs or binary data to create a base58 shortened URL slug that also acts as the content's ID. What is the equation to determine the probability of a collision based on the number of base58 digits are being used to create the ID?

ChatGPT's First Response

The birthday paradox helps us understand the probability of two or more elements in a set having the same property (in this case, the same shortened URL slug or content ID) when selecting elements at random.

For a URL shortener that uses base58 encoding, there are 58 possible characters for each position in the shortened URL slug. If the slug is 'n' characters long, there are 58^n possible unique slugs.

The probability of a collision occurring can be calculated using the complementary probability of no collisions occurring.

Let's consider k randomly generated slugs. The probability of no collision occurring between the first two slugs is:

P(no collision,2nd entry)=158n

Now, when we introduce a third slug, the probability of it not having a collision with the previous two is:

P(no collision,3rdentry)=12(58n)

And so on. For k slugs, the probability of the kth slug not colliding with any of the previous slugs is:

P(no collision,kthentry)=1(k1)(58n)

To find the probability of no collision occurring among all k slugs, we multiply the probabilities for each slug:

P(no collision,all k entries)=(11(58n))(12(58n)(1(k1)(58n))

Simplifying this to a series product, we get:

P(no collision,all k entries)=i=1k1(1i(58n))

The probability of at least one collision occurring is the complement of the probability of no collision:

P(|collisions|1)=1P(no collision,all k entries)

To estimate the number of slugs k that can be generated before reaching a specific probability of collision, you can solve for k in the equation above. However, it's important to note that this equation doesn't have a closed-form solution for k, so you may need to use numerical methods or approximations to find the desired value.

Prompting for a Mathematical Approximation

Is there an approximation for k - 1 unique values already occupying this hash table, out of n possible values that the kth value collides with the others?

ChatGPT Gives a Mathematical Approximation

Yes, there is an approximation for the probability of the k-th value colliding with the previous (k-1) values, given that there are n possible values (in our case, n = 58^length_of_slug). This approximation is based on the birthday paradox problem, where the probability of a collision becomes more likely as the number of elements increases.

The probability of a collision after k elements can be approximated using the birthday paradox formula:


Now, we can solve for k, given a desired probability of collision (P):


Or if you want to solve for the minimum number of entries available n before reaching a specific probability of collision (P) with k entries:



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Textual References

[^1]: Thomas, Cormen (2009), Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, p. 253, ISBN 978-0-262-03384-8 [^2]: Stapko, Timothy (2008), "Embedded Security", Practical Embedded Security, Elsevier, pp. 83–114, doi:10.1016/b978-075068215-2.50006-9, ISBN 9780750682152, retrieved 2021-12-08 [^3]: Schneier, Bruce. "Cryptanalysis of MD5 and SHA: Time for a New Standard". Computerworld. Archived from the original on 2016-03-16. Retrieved 2016-04-20. Much more than encryption algorithms, one-way hash functions are the workhorses of modern cryptography.