Hadoop: YARN


YARN is a framework that MapReduce works with. YARN performs two operations job scheduling and resource management. The purpose of the Job Scheduler is to divide a big task into smaller ones so that each one can be split among many nodes in the Hadoop cluster. By splitting workloads into multiple slave nodes, the time it takes to perform tasks is reduced. And in the case of HDFS tasks can be divided out into DataNodes that actually contain the data to reduce input/output bottlenecks. Below is an example diagram of how the resource manager works at the system level.

Hadoop YARN system diagram

Resource Manager

The main component of YARN's architecture is the Resource Manager. It is responsible for resource allocation, distributing parts of requests to corresponding Node Managers. It also manages the cluster resources and decides the allocation of the available resources for competing operations.

Node Manager

The second main component to YARN is the Node Manager, which monitors individual nodes in a Hadoop cluster and manages user jobs and workflow on the given node of that Node Manager. It works with the Resource Manager to ensure that the node is working correctly. Its primary goal is to manage application containers assigned to it by the Resource Manager.

Application Master

The Application Master works on a single job submitted to the framework. Each Application Master coordinates an application's execution in the cluster and also manages faults as they arise. Its task is to negotiate resources from the Resource Manager and work with the Node Managers to execute and monitor the component tasks.


Much like software container runtimes, in Hadoop and YARN specifically, are a single provisioned unit of physical computing resources such as RAM, CPU core time and disks on a single node of the cluster. It grants rights and a common environment for an application to use a specific amount of resources on a specific host.


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