Bayes Theorem


Used to calculate conditional probabilities, Bayes Theorem is a fundamental concept in probability theory. This includes machine learning. Bayes theorem is used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given that a related event has already occurred. This is called conditional probability, and given two events A & B, it can be expressed by using the notation P(A|B). The theory is useful when a series of events exists with outcomes that partially depend on the occurrence of another event. In P(A|B), A is the event of interest and B is the event that has occurred.

Imagine that you have three bags that are filled with different coins. You randomly select a coin out of a random bag, and it's a quarter. What is the probability that the coin came from the first bag? If you can determine the probability of choosing a quarter, then you can calculate the probability the coin you picked came from the first bag.

When used properly, Bayes theorem is effectively a machine learning algorithm. It can be used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. And priori features in data can be used to create a model that predicts the posteriori probability of an event occurring.

Formal Definition of Bayes Theorem


Proof of Bayes Theorem

Proof Step 1

Begin by defining the probability of two events, A & B, happening simultaneously. This is represented by P(AB). The symbol is used to denote the intersection of two events, or when the two events occur simultaneously. P(AB) can be derived by multiplying the probability of A by the probability that event B will happen, given that event A has occurred or P(A)P(B|A).

To demonstrate proof of this theory, consider the following example. Suppose that you want to compute the probability of finishing an ice cream cone. This can be calculated by computing the probability that the store has ice cream in stock multiplied by the probability that you can eat the entire ice cream cone given that the ice cream is in stock. In this example, define P(A) as the probability that the store has ice cream in stock. P(A|B) will be the probability that you eat the entire ice cream cone, given that the ice cream was in stock.

Therefore, the probability that you can finish the ice cream and that the ice cream is in stock can be computed by using the following formula:


Proof Step 2

Similarly to what you learned in Step 1, the probability of events A and B happening simultaneously is also equal to the probability of B multiplied by the probability of A, given B has occurred or P(B)P(A|B). This is illustrated in the following equation:


ProofStep 3

Because the left hand sides of Steps 1 & 2 are exactly the same, you can also set the right hand sides equal to each other:


Proof Step 4

Dividing both sides by P(B) yields the following equation:


Proof Conclusion

Therefore you have proven Bayes Theorem of conditional probability. This means that given the probability of two events occurring, you can calculate the probability of one event occurring given that another event has already occured.

Extension of Bayes Theorem

Explanation of Bayes Extension

In many implementations, you may see Bayes Theorem written a bit differently because there are more than just two events occurring. Next, you will work to adjust your Bayes equation to account for multiple events by reformatting the theory. You will be seeking the probability of some event, Ei, given the probability of another event, A. This will be written as P(Ei|A). If you plug this into the original Bayes equation, the result is:


However, often you will not know the denominator in this equation, which is the probability of A. In the next steps, you will work to identify a common substitute for P(A).

Let Ei to represent a partition of the sample space S, and let S represent the set of all possible outcomes. Let A represent some event that has occured. Because S holds all possible outcomes, A must belong to the set S that is derived from the first step. See the example below ot illustrate this theory:

Proof of Bayes Extension

Step 1 of Bayes Extension Proof


Step 2 of Bayes Extension Proof

For this example, S represents the set all events Ei, thus



Step 3 of Bayes Extension Proof

Then use the property of distribution to distribute the intersection, as shown below:


Step 4 of Bayes Extension Proof

Take the probability of both sides, as show by the equation below:


Step 5 of Bayes Extension Proof

Because A and Ei are disjoint sets, you know that P(AB)=P(A)+P(B), thus.


Step 6 of Bayes Extension Proof

According to the multiplication of independent events theorem,


Step 7 of Bayes Extension Proof

Thus you can use the summation to get this:


Step 8 of Bayes Extension Proof

While this appears differently, you can now derive Bayes to be:


Example of Bayes in Action

You have two bags full of poker chips. Bag one has seven red and two blue chips while bag two has five red and nine blue chips. You draw a chip at random and it turns out to be red. Compute the probability that the chip was drawn from bag one.

First, define your known probabilities.

The goal of this problem is to find the probability that the chip came from bag one, given that it is red. Thus, you must find (X|A) using Bayes theorem. See the example below to work through this problem.

Example - Part One


Example - Part Two


Example - Part Three


Example - Part Four


You have now determined that after drawing a red chip, the probability that it was drawn from the first bag is 68.5%. This example illustrates how to apply Bayes theorem to a real world problem.

Naive Bayes Theorem

Based on Bayes Theorem, the Naive Bayes Theorem or (NBT) is a classification algorithm that is primarily used on large datasets. NBT uses the same algorithm as Bayes Theorem to attempt to classify a feature in a given dataset. NBT can often replace more sophisticated classification algorithms because it is easier to implement while still providing a high accuracy rate.

NBT is considered naive because it assumes the presence of a particular feature in a class is unrelated to the presence of other features. An example of an algorithm would be a classification of a tomato: it is round, it has a diameter of less than 8cm, and it is red. In this example, all three characteristics may be related, but NBT does not assume this when calculating probabilities. Considering these assumptions, NBT is more accurate than you may suppose. NBT may not be quite as accurate as some more complex classification tools, but its easy implementation and relatively low computing costs are advantages which make NBT a viable tool for many applications.

Formal Definition of Naive Bayes Theorem

The formula for Naive Bayes Theorem is:



Example of Naive Bayes Theorem

The following example includes two weeks' worth of data for weather conditions and a football team's schedule. The goal is to determine the likelihood that the football team will play given that it is sunny outside. In the dataset, the 3rd column, "Played", represents whether or not the team played on a given day. See the dataset below:

Example - Frequency of Play Dataset

Day Condition Played
Monday Sunny No
Tuesday Rainy Yes
Wednesday Sunny Yes
Thursday Cloudy Yes
Friday Sunny No
Saturday Rainy No
Sunday Rainy Yes
Monday Sunny Yes
Tuesday Rainy No
Wednesday Cloudy No
Thursday Sunny Yes
Friday Sunny Yes
Saturday Rainy Yes
Sunday Cloudy Yes

Solution to Naive Bayes Theorem Example

The first step to solving this problem is to convert this dataset into a frequency table. When implementing NBT in practice, this is usually the most computationally expensive step, because real-world datasets are much larger than this simple example. See the associated Frequency Table below:

Weather Yes No Total Days
Sunny 4 2 6
Rainy 3 2 5
Cloudy 2 1 3
Total 9 5 14

Given the data in the frequency table above, you can now compute the probability that the football team will play if the weather is sunny, represented by P(play|sunny), by writing the following equation:


Now it just becomes a matter of populating the likelihood probability, the prior probability of the class, and the prior probability of the predictor.

The term P(sunny|play) can be computed by dividing the number of sunny days that a match was played, or the likelihood of event, by the total number of matches played.

P(sunny|play) = \frac{# of sunny matches}{# of matches} = \frac{4}{9}

The probability P(play) is given by dividing the total number of sunny days, or the class prior event count, by the total number of days in the dataset. The class prior probability is the result.

P(play) = \frac{# of sunny days}{# of total days} = \frac{9}{14}

Finally, the probability P(sunny) is given by dividing the total number of of sunny days, or the predictor prior event count, by the total number of days in the dataset. The result is the predictor prior probability.

P(sunny) = \frac{# of sunny days}{# of total days} = \frac{6}{14}

Now we plug the numbers into the equation and then solve the problem:


As illustrated in this example, there's about a 67% chance that the football team will play given the weather is sunny. This may seem like a simple solution to a relatively easy question. However, in real-world practice, these initial datasets will be much more complex, often with terabytes of data. By performing classification and considering conditional probability, you can gain insights that are often difficult to achieve with large datasets.

Naive Bayes Theorem and Multiple Predictors

The example above is a simple example of NBT. You often want more predictors or features to make more sophisticated predictions. One example of this is a spam filter. A message can be legitimate or spam predicted on labels L based on many words or features f1,f2,...,fn.




This arises from the fact that P(features) is the same for both labels. So we end up with this simplified equation involving both labels.

Multiple Predictors Example - Spam Filter

So let's examine the driving equation for multiple predictors.



Below are some examples that show real-world applications of NBT.

Suppose that you are working with a total of 50 emails. Suppose further that 30 of those emails are classified as normal or N, Then the remaining 20 emails are classified as spam or S.

In this scenario, the prior probability of a message being normal is:


Based on this information, it can be assumed that the prior probability of a message being spam is:


The 30 normal messages have been classified as normal due to the presence of some words, such as "dear" and "money", that are common in normal messages. From the data, you can observe that the word "dear" appears 30 times and the word "money" appears 5 times. Given this data, you can compute the probability that an email contains a common "normal" word, such as "dear" or "money", given that the email is normal.

P("dear"|N)=3030=1 P("money"|N)=530=16

On the other hand, the 20 spam messages have been classified as spam due to the presence of words such as "password" and "money". From the data, you can see that the word "password" appears 10 times and the word "money" appears 20 times. Given this data, you can compute the probability that a message contains a common "spam" word, such as "password" or "money", given that the message is spam.

P("password"|S)=1020=12 P("money"|S)=2020=1

Now suppose that you receive an additional email with the word "money" in it, and you want to calculate the probability that the new email is normal.

By applying the NBT formula, you get:


Therefore, given your initial data, you can conclude that there is a 30% chance that a message containing the word "money" is normal.

Multiple Predictors

So far we've only discussed some theory of multiple predictors and an example using the same form but only one word. Let's see what happens when we have multiple words, or predictors.


The possibly millions of words being accounted for fi, are drawn from an independent identically distributed (IID) distribution. So if they are independent then we can just multiply the probabilities together.

Note: Naive Bayes assumes that all the features are independent of each other. This means we can just multiply the features together.

Because we assume all the features are independent, we can rewrite the equation as:


Because we're multiplying a lot of normalized probabilities, (i.e. probabilities that are between 0 and 1), there can be an underflow problem. That is the product of all these probabilities can be so small that the computer can't represent it or that it's so small that it's not useful. We fix this by taking the log of the probabilities.

loge(ab)=loge(a)+loge(b) P(N|f1,f2,,fn)=iloge(P(fi|N))+loge(P(N))

Confusion Matrix

Note: For more information, read Confusion Matrix.

What is a Confusion Matrix?

A confusion matrix is a graphical representation that is used to summarize the performance of a classification algorithm. In fact, only looking at the accuracy score of an algorithm might be misleading if there are an unequal number of observations or more than two classes in the dataset.

For this reason, using a confusion matrix can give a better idea of how a classification model is performing.

A confusion matrix is visually represented as a table with two rows and columns that contains the combinations of predicted and actual values possible. Below is a diagram of a confusion matrix.

Confusion Matrix

In the confusion matrix above, TP stands for true positive, TN stands for true negative, FP stands for false positive, and FN stands for false negative.

Using the spam message example from earlier,

Gaussian Naive Bayes

What is a Gaussian Distribution?

This has been covered in the Gaussian Distribution document, for more details read it. Gaussian distribution, also known as a normal distribution, is a useful way to calculate probability. In order to apply a normal distribution to Bayes Theorem, you must calculate the Gaussian distribution for each feature in each class. This can be done easily once the class feature's mean and variance are calculated. The height, weight, and foot size dataset below will be used to demonstrate mean and variance calculations.

Gaussian Naive Bayes Example Data

Sex Height Weight Foot Size
Male 6 180 12
Male 5.92 190 11
Male 5.58 170 12
Male 5.91 165 10
Female 5.0 100 6
Female 5.5 150 8
Female 5.42 130 7
Female 5.75 150 9

Gaussian Naive Bayes Example Data Mean and Variance

Gaussian Naive Bayes Example Data Mean

Given a dataset with n entries xi for i=1,2,,n, the mean μ can be calculated by taking the sum of all the entries and dividing by the number of entries.


The table below shows the means for each feature:

Sex μh μw μfs
Male 5.85 176.25 11.25
Female 5.42 132.50 7.5

Gaussian Naive Bayes Example Data Variance

Given a dataset with n entries xi for i=1,2,,n, and the mean μ, the variance σ can be calculated like so:


Note: The denominator is n1 instead of n because the mean is calculated from the dataset and the variance is calculated from the mean. This is a statistical adjustment called Bessel's correction.

To demonstrate, we'll calculate the variance of weight in males:


The table below shows the variances for each feature:

Sex σh σw σfs
Male 0.035 122.92 0.917
Female 0.097 558.33 1.667

Creating the Gaussian Normal Distribution

Using the previous section's example and calculations for mean and variance, we can now create the Gaussian normal distribution for each feature. This can be done in many ways. For example, in Python we can use scikit-learn's GaussianNB class. To better illustrate the underlying mathematics, for now you will use a web based interactive normal distribution tool

Plugging in the normal distribution values for each characteristic's mean and variance, you will see the expected curves. Next you can plug in some values for each characteristic and see how much of the curve is covered by the values.

Case Study of Gaussian Naive Bayes

Let's take the height of 5.8, weight of 185, foot size of 11 and calculate the Gaussian Naive Bayes for the odds of that person being male.

When do the math on those normal distributions by any means, the answer for the probability of each feature for a male is:

To find the probability that this particular person is male, use the following equation.


A key step in the above equation is to multiply by 0.50 because there's an initial 50% probability that a person is male.

Then, do the same for all data representing female height, weight and foot size.

Because P(male) is greater than P(female), you can now classify the person who fits the sample data values as being likely to represent a male.

Gaussian Naive Bayes theorem is currently used in countless applications.

Further Reading on Naive Bayes Theorem


Laplace Smoothing

TODO: write some notes here on laplace smoothing

Further Reading on Laplace Smoothing


Python Implementation

One way to quickly and easily implement Naive Bayes in Python is to use the SciKit-Learn library. It's great for analysis and prototyping and might even be sophisticated and generalized enough for some more basic production applications.


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